
Exactly. I would even listen to her screeching, defensive, screamy rants if she had some kind of education in politics other than inserting herself into (and then getting kicked off) her father’s campaign. She has an art history degree from Columbia (not political science or even history) and for some reason gets

Especially this guy’s smug sleazy mug. To paraphrase the late great Joan Rivers:

Agree. The first season was irritatingly lit and directed but at least had great scripts. This season is a dud. Too bad. Maybe they’ll reboot it in a few years. (joke, but not really).

I wish I could star this 15million times.

Ah the Oakleys. It’s like wearing a nametag that says “Hi, My Name is Asswipe”.

And I personally would watch the bejesus out of Them. The climax of which would no doubt be at a store where Gretchen demanded to speak to the manager and he responded by shooting lasers out of her eyes. She’d make her way over to Axel over in sporting goods where they’d get all the guns and save civilization then go

My 1st year roommate used my stuff without telling me, flipped out when I reorganized MY side of the room, and then when I started actively avoiding her and spending all my time in the common room in front of the TV, she started making fun of me. The joke was on her though, because she was set up by another dorm mate

Here’s something that will make you pollute your britches with fear. She is engaged to a hotel heir and was seen partying at Burning Man. She has no conscience, she doesn’t feel bad at all. She’s 23, and she’s already this insane. What’s going to happen to her once she’s older and had life disappoint her a few more

Fingers crossed. I want the rest of his miserable life to be spent running away from decent people who have had enough of this far-right bullshit. Add Richard Spencer, Mike Cernovich, and the rest of their ilk to that list. I want them to never get a moment’s respite for their remaining days.

And be painted poop-brown with rusty door hinges. I want his panhandling sign to say “Will do anything for food. ANYTHING.”

Could not agree more. You don’t like the policy, take your red hat and your red hat principles and go drink somewhere else. They’re unreachable and there’s no point. Screw ‘em.

I, too, snarled this at an old one day in a drugstore. He was kvetching about “I wonder where all those tax dollars are going.” and I snapped back “Probably towards your Social Security grandpa.” He scurried out of there like a small furry mammal.

Agree. At this point, a MAGA hat is a big red flag (hat).

Agree with everything you said, particularly the holding the far-right to account for what they say. This feels like the root of the problem that they can’t seem to grasp: they are saying hateful awful things, sometimes in an outright violent aggressive fashion, sometimes in flowery language like Richard Spencer, and

Exactly. “Racism isn’t tolerated. Pedophilia is, however, so... it’s a wash?”

Easily. With the white Christians crying about how they were like “wild animals”.

couldn’t agree more. This little shit is digging the hole deeper. The rapist who was a basketball player at the school’s mugshot is getting spread around. The photo of the kids in blackface at a basketball game is going viral, and now this little snaggletoothed asshole (who looks Xanax’d up to his eyeballs) is getting

Yes. Put the facility into lockdown right away and DNA test the men. As well, per Kill Bill, start looking into friends/acquaintances of staffers. They should be able to catch the culprit pretty quick. 


You forgot also, the land of RUPERT MURDOCH and JULIAN ASSANGE declared him of bad character. It boggles the mind.