
Almost certainly. The ones who begrudgingly went to work in insurance. The other ones are the Confederate flag wavin’ outright “kill ‘em all” gun-totin’, hey-lets-go-muddin’ types.

Yup. His face looks like it’s made of Naugahyde. Also, what the what was the word-salad he was spewing. It sounds like he’s saying a bunch of big words to sound smart but he’s not quite sure what they mean.

And when she’s with the pig. Except it ran away.

AMEN. When is there going to be a MeToo for the women who have been bullied, harassed, and gaslighted by other women. Full disclosure: 99% of the workplace harassment I’ve gone through has been from women.

I have hypothesized this to myself a million times. Porn became ubiquitous during the BUSH (haha) era. That was the era of Britney, Christina, stripper-chic and thongs poking out of the ultra low rise jeans. I have often wondered why/how it got so everywhere when CONSERVATIVES were running the country.

She’s not exactly pro-women. She’s buddies with Andy Cohen and was banging Moonvest while he was still married to his first wife. She carved up her whole face to look less Asian. She’s no prize pig. Complicit would be the word I would use.

DId she like it when Thomas GIbson yelled at and kicked a writer?

Who all had husbands/boyfriends who were smart, kind, loving and didn’t want their wives to be boring, shrinking simpering wimps. Not only were they NOT dried up hags, they were getting laid on the reg.

Same thing happened to me on a smaller scale. People just keep their heads down and scurry away hoping that they don’t suffer the same fate you do. Karma ALWAYS gets ‘em in the end, though.

I feel like Hawaii 5-o and Magnum are going to take dirt naps the moment the new guy is announced. I am hoping to Xenu that all the NCI: Dayton, Ohios go the same way.

Or iTunes. I’ve been watching eps on YouTube and Daily Motion, but I tried to buy them and zilch. Bupkus. Not available anywhere. Someone get on this!

Truth. Now that Grandpa Pervert is out of the CEO chair, perhaps they’ll start greenlighting non-Chuck Lorre shows that appeal to, you know, people who eat dinner after 4pm.

The scene where she tries to “seduce” him in the IRS office is also gold.

Counterpoint: No, Suzanne is the best.

me too. Have been obsessively re-watching it as much as I can. I am so thrilled for this reboot I can’t even stand it.

And systematically kill off.

EXACTLY. Pay your Goddamn taxes stupid rich idiots. Who does he think he wants to go to the Amazon School for Smart Kids Sponsored by Amazon Brought to You By Amazon? God forbid tax dollars are used towards paying teachers decent salaries and you know, lunches and school supplies.

Yes. You forgot to include their retort when people call them cousin fuckin’ crackers: I make more money than you’ll ever see in your life. I’m richer than you’ll ever be. I drive a 7 million dollar car etc blah blah.

Hotness. Pure hotness.

He. Was. Born. In. CANADA. Beto is a fourth gen Texan. I don’t get Republicans. I don’t get how their brains work/don’t work.