
Yeah, and David Duke isn’t one of them. He’s a loudmouth hillbilly trying to bust his way in. Bannon went to Harvard, David Duke didn’t. THAT is my point. There’s a hierarchy among racists. Especially among racists.

I know what he means, very well. I’m saying what he thinks are “his people” ie: movie stars and who they bone, are not his people. His people are basement dwelling mouth-breathers.

Standing Ovation!

It boggles the mind.

He is SO. GODDAMN. M-Fing. STUPIDDDDDD!!!!! He drives me insane. Every little thing he or his band of psychopaths do makes me see red. I’m glad Chavvy and DeVoid are getting lit up like firecrackers at all these town halls. I hope it gets worse and worse till they all run away to their rich person bunkers in New

Yup. Along with the gays and the geeky scientists. As usual, brains will win out over brawn, but Trumpeter in Chief will kick and scream every step of the way. Bannon will just smirk and lie low and needle from behind until someone goes after him, which, thank the Lord Xenu, they’re FINALLY starting to laser onto that

Spoilsport!? Hayl naw, we WANT someone to point this out to Agent Orange! His head will explode.

Shit yeah! How did we get stuck in the darkest timeline!? Who fucked up getting their last powerup in this game?

Exactly. She does what she’s told when she’s told. Sure, she decided to marry a rich dude and thought that the rest of her life would entail standing around shooting Blue Steel, but it’s all blown up in her face, and it will get worse. I don’t like anything about that mustard gas cloud of a family, but it’s about to

That was my thought. That Melania knows he’s smiling and winking at Ivanka and she’s grossed out. Seriously, though, maybe she smiled and when he turned back, she got serious and listened to the guy speaking again.

LORD, he has such dumbface.

They are all giving Drumpf a collective stank face combined w/ evil eye.

No, I honestly think he doesn’t have any friends. He doesn’t go to any events because he’s not invited to them. He’s universally hated in NYC, and I believe deep down he knows it, and covers it with bluster and “Screw you, I’ll just hang out with my family because I only want to hang out with them anyway.” Just a

He’ll surface if the right pee pee hooker dances suggestively in front of Trump Tower. Or Ivanka. Either one.

That was my thought, ol’ President Peepee and Das PooPoo are getting nervous and lashing out. I CANNOT WAIT to see what the world intelligence community will drop next (Poopoo is conveniently forgetting that intelligence communities outside of the US have found this kompromat)- cause you know it’s coming, and it will

Wasn’t he always, though? I mean, come on. It was a known known that he HATED Clinton, wasn’t it?

I have no words. I can’t imagine being blood-related to that monster. The one in the Netherlands is definitely the richer one.

He has CHILDREN!? Good Lord, I feel bad for them.

Exactly right. He’s not responding, and it seems to have petered out! Why!? I also felt that the essay by Kinew was kind. Maybe TOO kind. It seems like Boyden’s getting a pass, and I do not understand why. 

I know it’s being discussed, but I’m saying that more people should be flat-out outraged, and it really doesn’t seem that way. It seems like it’s a very Canadian super-polite, “Oh, so sorry, sir, but I seem to find some discrepancies in your history.” Rather than a “GIVE BACK YOUR AWARDS AND MAKE A PUBLIC APOLOGY.