
Yeah, let’s be honest, she’s at minimum Third Daughter.

This is a terrible idea, given that even low concentration exposure to DDT is known to cause elevated risks of pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, testicular cancer, and is strongly suspected of causing breast cancer, in utero hormonal parthenogenesis, and a spectrum of other carcinogenic and hormonal disorders.

If there was only a very effective mosquito killer available.

LA Law for the original, crazy David E. Kelley show. Super 80's, high on cheese but full of actual moments of tension (death penalty, rights of the disabled etc) as well as soapy AF soap opera nonsense. It’s all on YouTube.

I watched this religiously when it aired. I worked in a law firm at the time. After the first season, I was basically hate watching it. It’s kind of like watching SATC or Seinfeld. There are flashes of brilliance, but mostly, you’ll just be appalled at everyone’s self-centered, neurotic bullshit problems and wondering

As I read this post I realized that though I watched this show every week I can’t remember a thing about it beyond the existence of Ally’s skirt issues,  that I thought Lucy and Jane were going to be big stars someday and Portia had great hair. Make of that what you will.

Hot ham water.

ben affleck is listed at 6'4", but at least 2 of those feet is noggin.

He’s had a lot of plastic surgery and I’m betting some of it’s been liposuction. You can tell by the tone of the skin under his arms and around his breasts that he should be showing more age than he already is in other areas.

Anybody else just feel their vagina slam shut?

Thanks for sharing this! I love her...she’s always the best part of @Midnight when she’s on.

Anybody got the formula for A Ryan Seacrest Type and Some Lady?

God... is any duo more boring-looking than the two of them up there?

American Idol had that huge finale and brought back all the past judges and contestants just so they could bring it back from the dead two years later. It hasn’t been gone long enough to be rebooted. I want to fight whoever asked for this!

“I can confirm with absolute confirmation”

That fun little nugget was absolutely the most terrifying part for this man thinks we’re all up in arms over $12/month insurance? Can we uh...please have $12/month insurance that appreciates over time?

Who’s paying $12 for insurance?

He thinks health insurance is life insurance.

Dude. Marcon is “holding your hand” because he’s trying to get you to keep your pervy hands off his wife.