Devin Reynolds

Why would you choose THIS EPISODE to start this argument? Even if the premise of the series was completely unoriginal, I can pretty much guarantee that the British series upon which it is based does not have a "Silicon Valley episode." Meaning that at the very least, this episode has some originality. Save your

I've said this elsewhere, but I think this conversation would appreciate the input:

"I've never made political capital from my military career."

And it's so accurate too. Silicon Valley evokes this "City on a Hill" aura of innovation, affluence, style, and world changing progress. But that's really just a brand image the area has created for itself. In reality it's a collection of intellectual property imperialists (legal battles over patent law are more

Seriously, thank you. That chart is so fucking cool I don't know what to do with myself at the moment.

Not this, this chart's fucked. Most of the figures are wrong.

I don't know, I think they overstated that Dune Ship at the bottom.

That's true, over time the show gets into those types of variations much more throughly. The Charizards in Charicific Valley are massive, and when Ash's Charizard trains with them he gets quite massive himself.

That second picture was a robotic giant, not an ACTUAL Dragonite. That being said the dragonite on the scale is oversized and the Charizard undersized. He has their "official" heights written down, but he didn't scale correctly, and he didn't do his homework to get a sense of how these two are REALLY portrayed, as the

People keep complaining about the sizes of one dragon or another, just stop… because they're ALMOST ALL WRONG. Just because someone superimposed a bunch of dragon silhouettes onto a chart doesn't mean knew what they were talking about. The vast majority of sizes on this chart are just bullshit.