queef wizard

the dlc is absolutely fantastic. some of the best quests/storylines are in hearts of stone, and blood and wine is just so tonally different from the rest of the game, it’s wonderful.

any of the supports, or a tank if there aren’t too many already. Hanzo def gets waay more hate than any other character.

wat is this

wtf is this post

me too! my character is a former pit fighter who murders people with his bare hands. it’s so gnarly

sounds like you’re pretty busy, but I’d recommend Tyranny. I’m loving it so far.

friday night overwatch is becoming a tradition, super fun with a full stack of 6 players.

Same. I tried to get into competitive, wanted to see my rank for fun, but then it just made me mad. This is a game where I just want to enjoy myself not get all salty about losing and my winrate

haha, I won’t play Hanzo out of spite. I swear every time I play there’s at least a few matches where we have 2 Hanzo’s on offense.

“But those gut-reaction call for nerfs are usually misguided, because how a character feels to play against and how they actually perform are fundamentally different.”

me too...

Same. Nothing like a match where people are off chasing kills and you’re just cruising on the payload as Rein. Also hard to beat the feeling of pinning a tracer.

that’s my exact ordering of my mains too! Having a Lucio is never a bad thing and booping people out of the center room on Ilios is soooo satisfying.