
I never understood the move to begin with? You know how popular that team was out on the Island. I mean yes there would be poor attendance when they weren’t doing well but when that team was in the playoffs it would be awesome in that stadium.

Life sentence. End of story.

24 and The Walking Dead are completely different shows.

Season 4 was the best and last season I actually was into the show. It just seemed like the characters they introduced got worse and worse to follow since the farm house season...

Sickening. Dude needs to sit in a jail cell for a bit.

What’s the unemployed to employed ratio of people at this thing you guys think?

Case Keenum is not an NFL starting quarterback. He’s an okay backup.

One of Leo’s best movies.

True but what are the limits on prop bets? Would it even be worth it?

As a Giants fan I just don’t like it. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is about McAdoo that I don’t like but him as the new Giants head coach? Nah.

Hopefully the 08 TSX I’m about to scoop up has that as an option :)

Please bring in Sean Payton, please bring in Sean Payton, please bring in Sean Payton

Honest question. Why do you guys continue to post stuff in Spanish? Or am I missing something here?

It always seems like the people that talk the most shit, are the ones that can’t comprehend the English language at all.

I don’t know about all of that. The Giants needs to change things around and if they don’t make the playoffs this year which looks to be the case. Coughlin needs to go.

Either way she’s sexy.

Where’s Vivica?

There’s something that bugs me about the original actor missing from sequels. This movie just won’t be the same without Willennium. It’s like not having J.Law do Hunger Games 2. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Prometheus is a great movie. None of my friends liked it but to be honest I like the way they did it and how they took the Alien franchise in that direction. It’s better than Alien 5 or Alien 6, etc. etc.