
I never got around to playing Morrowind but I might have felt the same if I had before Oblivion.

Hopefully they reboot back to common sense. Saints Row 3 was peak Saints Row in combat refinement and stupid-on-purpose storytelling.

lol, you know, “public discourse” involves people not believing your opinion, caring about your opinion, (it should be about caring and understanding while trying to explain your position but yeah, let’s face reality) etc. It’s about having a literal debate. Which involves opposing viewpoints. Not a hive-mind of

Everything before WWII is too old, technologically speaking, to be interesting to most. Then when you get old enough where things are different enough, like with wood ships and cannons, you have too few understanding any history to make it interesting.

Looks like Wipeout with licensing. They couldn’t even try a little harder?

To be perfectly fair, it seems almost every porn game plays dangerously with consent and abuse. The minority of them are about “making love” the rest are about fucking or being fucked, sexually or not.

Their fees will go up the more successful they are with developers more than any effort on their part for their storefront. If more employees are necessary the logical source of income would be the extra games flooding the store. If they can’t give enough overhead to pay for moderation you just pull the feature and go

To be fair, it’s a major pain in the ass sorting what little Epic Games has already. So, looking for content is just as hard as it is on Steam if you don’t know the title or publisher you’re interested in and are just browsing.

If you’re moderating content there really is no can of worms. Pornography is genital stimulation or manipulation when combined with nudity. Nudity alone isn’t pornography and so it goes.

All fandoms are insular. We’ve gotten to the point where political affiliation has become insular within its own affiliations.

I think there’s a critical lack of seeing, experiencing anything that you don’t explicitly approve and agree with.

What Nasty said but also if it says PC you download and play it. If it says cloud you can stream it and play on PC, but you’ll have to use Microsoft Edge to do so (for now).

She made an actual joke. It wasn’t just simply her saying it was because she was white.

It’s all fandoms once they reach a certain level. Or are we going to forget sports? Also, it’s RIFE within professionals. From music, collegiate anything including teaching to engineering, I’ve seen it all.

This has nothing to do with gaming culture. This is pure male inferiority culture and THIS particular situation has far more to do with internet culture, than gaming.

A look at the dev/publisher would be hint #1 that this was just an opportunistic cash grab

Gigabyte also seemed to ignore the reviews on Newegg and Amazon. I guess those poor customers had the temerity to actually use the PSU instead of just worshiping it as a piece of Gigabyte’s ass.

Dear Gigabyte,

So they want free labor to fast track their bug testing. Another bad tactic.

Not all flash memory is volatile like that. Some just need an occasional current every few years and they’re fine. Others may not be able to write but will read fine, and so it goes.