
No, he wasn’t in 97 because too many bigoted assholes like you would’ve pitched a complete fit.

Remind me when a straight person was killed by a queer for being straight that you think “respecting heterosexuality” is even remotely an issue in our society that needs to be addressed.

Sooooooooooooo ... is it ever going to come out why Beau DeMayo was fired? Feels like a ticking time bomb hanging over the show in general and every interaction he has when he says stuff about it.

I don’t see how that applies to this situation as nobody involved is anything other than LGBTQ+. Wolverine is canonically Bi as he was in a throuple with Jean and Scott during the House of X era of comics that’s just now wrapping up. So I’m unsure of who you think is getting disrespected here? Morph? 

The fact they hid their intentions until media outed them means they were doing the same thing, once the facts were there the prices rose, that’s the free market. They were keeping it secret and going slow to buy it up cheap because they knew the value, that’s insider trading.

Certainly not a Elon or Tesla defender (I hate Elon, but do like Teslas.. just not the CT). However, i’ve owned a few first run cars (first model year) and they have all had problems. I suspect that CT is just getting way more attention then say a new model GM ICE car.

Both Android and iOS randomize your MAC address by default for new connections, making tracking you this way impossible. The only thing these kiosks seem to be collecting is the number of devices in range, and based on signal strength and “dwell” time, whether somebody was close enough long enough to possibly actually

The paper dolls with the legs get cut off in that one shot preceding the first human death that we see

Gotta admit it look damn good! Can’t wait to see this series.

Right? I hate taking family photos because the people taking pics (it’s never just one person, even though we all have smart phones and email) spend way too much time trying to get everyone looking perfect all at once. Give me two or three decent pics and I’ll cobble together one where everyone is both smiling and

The big question is, who fucking cares? Why this matters at all is beyond me.

What's happened to the cloned sheep, have they all been destroyed?

Right? Person couldn’t handle the responsibility of taking care of personal property.

“Looks like someone found them and stole them,” Delétraz said

idk man, i have lived a handful of times where i talked about a product outloud with someone and without me having to look up said product on my phone, that brand showed up on my Instagram feed. It CANNOT be a coincidence.

Is he that hot? He looks like a Lord of the Rings elf.

“And I would have gotten away with, too, if it weren’t for those darn meddling reporters!”

Typical, blame how people react to his racism but not his racist speech.

Once again, a term created by a hippie (or at least an author writing about a space-hippie) gets corrupted by right wing asshole.

“Woke” doesn’t mean lie. We now have a legal definition of “Woke” thanks to, of all people, Ron deSantis and his legal team. In court they defined it as “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”