“How will history remember this presidency?
“How will history remember this presidency?
Lol. It’s like none of ya’ll ever heard of a frigging tent stake and rope. Geez louise.
OH god, there are so many ways to successfully distance yourself from an iconic character. A Christmas special has to be by far one of the worst/strangest in my opinion. She’ll probably kill it though so here’s to breaking the mold. *Cheers
I came here to say F#)%( those damn balls. I hate them. They hate me. Especially if you’re using someone else’s machine or a guest is using yours. They end up getting “spirited away” constantly.
I came here to say F#)%( those damn balls. I hate them. They hate me. Especially if you’re using someone else’s…
It is very ugly. It might have been slightly (only slightly) less ugly if they had made the lips pink diamonds and the....er.. drool, in white diamonds instead of the other way around.
Are we sure that isn’t a Madame Tussauds Wax figure of him?
I’m a little confused by the “Keep it PC” comment. What would be considered none-PC when reporting an assault? Making fun of him or belittling his experience is none-PC, but that would be Katy or someone he told. Anyone know what he could have meant by that?
It’s true. We would literally kill for another fix of sweet sweet old bay.
Meh, Peter is ok looking. Wouldn’t slap a “hot” label on him though.
I promise you, it’s a lot better then watching a bunch of teenage girls kill a pregnant lady. Which is why I almost didn’t watch it.
Wait, wasn’t the cat in question a girl cat?
It’s like when Phyllis Schlafly toured the country preaching woman should stay home and live a “fulfilling domesticated life”. No-one is stopping them from living the way they want. You can stay home boo, shit, please do.... especially on voting day and let the rest of society live their best lives. It feels a little i…
Yep, I couldn’t find anything either. Even looked around on other Lookout pages in case they gave us the wrong link, nada.
Oh Jeffree, you crazy anorexic alien you. Tried to watch a few of their videos on Youtube last week and just didn’t get what the hype’s been about. But this site sure loves to talk about them so had to give it a shot.
“was murdered by Brandon Clark, a young man she had been dating.”... let me correct this for you. “was murdered by Brandon Clark, a insecure grown man baby, she had been dating.”. Young man sounds polite, dignified... something this guy clearly is not.
Booo. They must have un-tagged them all cause I’m finding not a single whopper inspired phallus.
Time to bust out my old JNCO’s and sell those shits online for $400. Cause now they are “vintage”. Lol.
Can we please kill this whole Rock-Bio Movie trend like, today? I’m already feeling the over saturation.
Dude looks like a long haired chihuahua. Yappy, annoying, but with no real bite.
Watched the Abandoned Beasts last night and it was fairly good. Some decent looking stuff in this summer line up. And of course a lot of horrible fan service filled garbage for the less refined anime lovers.