Never seen a single one, I was too worried they were secretly (or not so secretly, I’m too lazy to Google) funded by Scientology and thus every cent would end up continuing that horrible science experiment that is L.Ron’s legacy.
Never seen a single one, I was too worried they were secretly (or not so secretly, I’m too lazy to Google) funded by Scientology and thus every cent would end up continuing that horrible science experiment that is L.Ron’s legacy.
You kinda left out what power company this was so we could all do our modern day civic duty and shame the hell out of them via their twitter and customer support contacts.
100% yes. She already looks like Dante Gill. Scarlett’s too darn skrawny and soft faced.
“Devastated & heartbroken. Numb. Please stop asking for information/interviews”..... see’s some irony that this statement came from someone in media.
Someone should have pulled his ass off camera 10 years ago if that’s how he wants to play it.
This is so awesome. I’m tired of stuffy old white guy democrats pretending to care but lacking any real stakes in the game, other then their career. So they fail to really push civil and equity reform, while professing they really want to but that they must take the “high road”. Fuck that road, it burned to the ground…
I just came here to learn you grass dyeing secrets. Do tell.
I get it. When Sacramento shut down our tent village after Opera did a special on it I was appalled, still am to a degree. I actually liked that the village was there. It was self policed, generally well maintained and whenever I biked past it seemed to have a real sense of a community. However, there are some health…
Kinda makes me laugh when people shell out big bucks (anything more then $10) for a “cold brew” machine. Dude. Just leave grounds in a french press over night in the fridge then press. I’m sure there are a zillion other ways to make it too that don’t involve overpriced mechanics. It’s grounds. It’s cold water. It’s…
Kinda makes me laugh when people shell out big bucks (anything more then $10) for a “cold brew” machine. Dude. Just…
Don’t tease Eiichiro!! Ace’s death had me balling like a baby, is this a glimmer of hope that someday and somehow he’ll come back from the dead?
Kinda odd you chose this article to call them out on that. I mean you are 100% correct, some of their articles are horrible reads from a grammatical and spelling stand point. This one however, was written by a reader and was actually pretty clean and well written by Kinja/Gizmodo/i09/Jezz standards.
While I think there is a time and place for open space I get what the fan and this author was laying down. But I also think they should have ended their drive by rant with “And come out already! I’ve never seen two brothers more in love!” Lol.
A straight up ban, while I get it, seems a bit intense. I know from childhood experience they are helpful if you had dental surgery or your braces tightened. God I don’t miss braces. And I’ve been told straws are helpful if you are wearing lipstick. Maybe instead like we do with plastic bags charge 10 cents a straw in…
“Rather than assessing William and Harry eye-to-eye for any signs of lingering divine magic, I watched this policeman’s horse poop in front of me.” Probably the best and funniest ending to a story all day. Kudos!
After the hell he was put through for 8 years, I think he gets an extended vacation. I imagine we’ll be hearing from him around the time trump is up for re-election. If he’s still quite then we can take back his coolest president in recent history title.
Considering their love of coordinated internet attacks on women, POC, and the LGBT community I am feeling some deep schadenfreude right now. Whose the snowflake now? Lol
Wow, what a poor selection. I’d give up everything on this list to keep a few of the recently canceled shows. Even Lucifer.
This is the only acceptable type of click-bait. Lol. I haven’t laughed that hard at a headline in ages. Thanks Bobby!
Great question. I’ve always been curious about what a Union Square really was.A few cities have “Union Squares” but they don’t seem to have a unified purpose. The one in DC gets used as a place to gather for events, protests, and the inauguration. The one in San Francisco is just a park and shopping district. The most…
If he’s not a ‘Proud Boy’ I’m curious why he feels the need to try so hard to destroy the sign? Maybe the Alt-Right have tons of little elitist groups all under the larger neo-nazi umbrella? “I’m not a Proud Boy, those guys are snowflakes. I’m part of the Aryan Racers. We’re racist and into cars. Sooo much cooler.”