
The Bengals are really hoping the Browns cut him

—Chad, honey? Maybe you shouldn’t watch the draft if it makes you feel sad.

I’m sure his wife will pop in to the thread here to tell you that the bandana was to hold his massive swinging cock against his thigh so it didn’t cause issues with the on-set lighting.

He looked very basic. Why was he a heartthrob? I know y’all were high as fuck back then on cocaine, so that probably explains it.

Thank you.

You don’t leave it to chance.

Hey now, if the United States can be run by a drunk orangutan, so can Da Bears.

Here’s some more reaction from Chicago!

This is the one I want gone. I don’t even know his name, I just googled ESPN Anchor Howdy Doody Looking Assbag With Painted On Eyebrows.

Yeah, “dating” and “mother of his kid” look weird in a sentence together.

I think the proper headline is:

No, no, no. It’s spelled “Injun”.

I live in Montana and people here absolutely hate him. His failed bid for the governorship was embarrassing to the entire state.

Does Greg’s wife know that he’s gay? Does he call her “Mother?”

Some more info about Greg from Wikipedia -

Would it kill you guys to find a photo of Vlade that makes him somewhat remotely halfway sober?

I could live inside FirstEnergy Stadium and I wouldn’t watch the Browns.

I just received a call from a very credible source who told me Jason Caffetz’s back end is full of dog penis.

I’d say something about multiple wives but they don’t care over there.

A lot of people are saying Jason Chaffetz lets male dogs have sex with him. I think the people deserve a long public inquiry into these rumors. I need to hear from him directly that he isn’t letting dogs have anal sex with him.