
Yes. Keeping Syrian babies out of the country was a major campaign point. All of a sudden he gives a shit about them? Please.

Russian bot accounts on Twitter have been able to make #SyrianHoax trend (bigly). They’re claiming false flag and saying stupid shit like “oh, those people went in there without gloves and gas masks to help the ‘victims’ uh huh, sure they did” and other lovely bits of bullshit claiming the whole thing was made up.

More like clever moves by Putin.

His speech on the matter is yet another word salad of “thoughts and prayers”, false pieties and excessive use of the word “very”. This man is as thick as they come.


And, he’s down at Mar-a-Lago because of course he is.

the bombs are landing in syria, but the target is the russian collusion storyline.

Donald Trump Orders Military Strike Against Syria in Response to 35% Approval Rating and Russia Investigations.

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

I get the joke and all but, as a recovering alcoholic just sort of goes on with the help of chronic masturbation.

Ball, who played college football for the Wisconsin Badgers, said he will be taking classes at the university this summer to finish his degree.

Alcohol definitely is more of a cause of than a solution to his life’s problems.

Seven? Yeah, I guess I could see it. Seven. Seven years in the minors. Seven games in the majors. Roughly seven years of substance abuse, and eventually seven years to life.

Hey, look! It’s Clint “Check Out The Balls On This Motherfucker” Frazier!

I just want to say that, as an owner, I’m extremely interested and am going to do everything in my power to get Sherman in a Packers uniform next season.

When your team is in a fight for a playoff spot, Lance did what anyone would do.

Some nazis were tall, thin and blonde, in order to be attractive you need to show some soul through your eyes.

The KKK never really took off in Arizona as it’s a lot of letters to remember.