
“He pinched me, so I punched his wrist. That’s pretty much it. … He does it often, actually. Which is kind of adolescent.” finishing his statement with “real men exaggerate fouls by flailing their leg out and making sure to catch their opponent with a kick to the nuts.”

Or maybe he is, which is my worry: that the investigation is going to waste a lot of time and money on Flynn, that Flynn has already made some agreement to let only a tiny part of this go and make it look like everything, and the cartel wins. I hope there’s a way to call Flynn’s bluff, reject his appeal for immunity,

Any statement on sexual assault from Donald should begin with “I’m deeply sorry for all of the times I’ve sexually assaulted women” and should end with his resignation. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

I’m pretty sure I could bury a cow in under 5 days. That Badger has nothing on me.

This sounds like an environmentally friendly way for me to get rid of those dead hookers in my trunk.

+1 sniff of the milk carton

Getting tired of bloated, entitled old white dude CEOs with 7 figure worth and not an ounce of brains

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

Welcome to Trump’s America, sex ed is not an issue, so is consent.

If this is where we’re dumping unneeded, poor-taste jokes, I’m tossing this here

Also it’s a great excuse for Trump to pose for yet another pic with a bunch of white guys.

You’re not wrong, but people hate change, especially when it requires effort on their part. I have in-laws in the dwindling auto industry, and the tenacity with which they hang on to it instead of pursuing new ideas is a bit breathtaking. They’ll go down with the ship and call themselves American Patriots® before they

I’m not an expert, and not out to insult anyone, but isn’t coal mining a “bad” job in a lot of ways? Like the pay is bad, you can get black lung, it’s very unsafe other reasons that are escaping me now.

I find that pizza and beer do a pretty good job of making my ass bigger.

I can smell the gin on Bruce Arians’ breath from here.

Obama signing executive orders: a constitutional crisis from a man that thinks he’s a king.

They’ll Photoshop the Great Wall of China onto all images of the US-Mexico border and call it a day. By then I think they’ll be too exhausted for anything more elaborate.

Is there a reason they only interviewed people in their 70s and 80s?

You’ve gotta think that even Childs, from his hospital bed, would tend to agree that he’s untalented at safety.

People aren’t paid just by how much money they generate, but by how valuable they are to their employers. If USA Hockey wants to continue winning medals, it’s gonna cost them more.