
I wonder if Derrick Rose knows how many sides there are on a triangle?

Well that settles the issue for me.

Fuck Trump. Can’t wait until my contract is up in 14 months, so I can run for the fucking hills....That is if I don’t die on some damned foolish Crusade during this Kuwait deployment I leave for tomorrow.😂

He wants to better understand why Mixon caved in a girl’s face. There’s not a whole lot to try to figure out here.

I really hate that every part of those two sentences is likely true.

Jameis is still more qualified than Betsy DeVos. And has fewer sexual assault victims than trump.

“Yeah, but have you considered that he sounded nice, and he publicly thanked a war widow used the widow of a soldier whose blood is on his hands to score political points and distract from the speech’s terrifying message? 

No, fuck all that. An Indian immigrant was MURDERED in Kansas just a few days ago by a white supremacist who was motivated by the type of anti-immigrant sentiment that Donald Trump has promoted and mainstreamed further than any other politician in recent memory. And what does he do? Basically completely dismisses the

I did not miss the part where he mentioned something vague about the environment on the same day he rescinded a clean water initiative of Obama’s. He’s an ignorant and vulgar twat.

Did you miss the part where he shifted the blame of the botched Navy SEAL operation to the generals and Obama? This man is a fucking disgrace and a coward. No one should respect this man. What a piece of shit.

The interviewer then asked Stoudemire if he was joking, and he failed to accept the lifeline. “I mean, there’s always a truth within a joke,” he said.

Bill knows that Marvin killed it every time he was on the field, and was never gun shy about taking guys out over the middle.

If I were a member of Congress, I’d make sure to be in a photo op with Trump just so I can hold up a sign that says “This man blows goats. I have proof.”

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

This is what happens when keeping it real goes wrong.

Lonzo’s on record as saying he doesn’t mind the insane things his dad says, which I understand. You don’t generally go around telling your dad to shut the fuck up.

Someone better sit this guy down ASAP and tell him about Marv Marinovich.

Great, and we’re stuck listening to this moron for 2 more kids. Almost makes me root against the 3 young men. Sports parents are the worst.

Game over, man. Game over. :’(

Two takes from me: