
DDS usually attacks your nuts. This is an odd case.    

I think a lot of them have trouble maintaining an erection without staring at a framed picture of Reagan.

Drill baby! Drill!

And when you’re done he says, “Was that good for you, Mother?”

I’d add, don’t fuck a Republican guy, ladies and your chances of getting off will be incrementally greater*

This is what I hear when I see that fucking haircut.

It’s Wisconsin. Even their women can play offensive line.

Yeah all I know is when I puff a nice J, the first thing that comes into my head is taking action and going places. Definitely not putting on a funny movie, eating and sitting around doing nothing.

I am a Christian and am very active in my current church and, prior to that, on-campus ministries when I attended a public university. I was almost held out of leadership on campus because I consumed alcohol (legally and responsibly) thanks to two men in the group who felt that was unchristian. Where that mindset

“Ooh yeah, talk slower baby- free speech ‘n safe spaces, ooh- wait it’s about girls nevermind” - Milo Yannoupolos, on the hot chariot to fucking hell on Earth (and every cucked piece of shit who voted for Trump; you know who are asshole)

THAT was “malicious”?! This is the most “malicious” part of that statement: “That dude is not fit to be the General Manager of a basketball team” If THAT’S malicious, none of the offended people should ever be allowed out in public ever again without handlers and blankies.

The host of the program currently on air (Kings employee and general shill Grant Napear) told a caller to “walk up a tall building, and jump off” which not only did not result in a suspension, but was used as promotional material for one of his segments.

Vlade traded the Tanquarray for a bottle of Malört and a pack of cigarellos to be named later.

This is the worst radio management decision since Johnny Sunshine got fired for saying “booger”

I guarantee this dog will be wearing a patriots jersey next year and lining up in the slot.

This could have been her entire article.

I went to Dunkin’ Donuts this weekend and ordered 5 donuts and 10 Munchkins. (They weren’t all for me, shut it.) I received 4 donuts and no Munchkins and had to go back to get the rest.

Easy everyone. You know how emotional and weepy conservatives tend to get. Let them cry it out for a couple hours. Its for their own good.

He grabbed a phone charger and wrapped it around his neck, threatening to kill himself, the prosecutor said.