
The future of the Republican Party.

this dude is now my new favorite

Maybe quit kicking your nephew in the stomach, dick.

You heard it from Lewis. He wasn’t hurt, he just had to take a shit. I hear that excuse from my four year old nephew all the time, that’s not unusual.

Imagine how hard it must be every single day for Randy Levine’s mirrors to fight off the urge to just slam him in the fucking face.

I’m just glad Thurman Merman was able to turn his life around, ya know?

Somewhere, deep in that hellhole called SEC Country, Paul Finebaum has a raging hard-on.

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.

Fattest president since Taft? Fattest president since Taft.

Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.

That’s seriously Boeheim’s takeaway from a young man’s death, that he’ll “be defined by one thing: a ten page paper”? Not by the type of person he was to his friends and family, or the kind of life he led when he wasn’t playing a game. What a dick thing to say, but I’d expect nothing less from that sour puss.

Yea, I thought about what it would be like to have a good buddy make it to the MLB. I wouldn’t tell him anything if he took me out on a boat ride. I’d be on the front of the boat riding it like Kate fucking Winslet. Like there is a reason famous people pay people to watch out for them, because they know their friends

Breaking news: Woman who was jacked in the face by enormous, physically powerful athlete was “Not actually asking for it,” but was, in fact, being harassed even before punches were thrown.

You expect me to believe that a man who would punch a woman would also make a gay slur?

This article just moved Mixon way up the Ravens draft board.

Given the myriad of laws Republicans are trying to pass banning certain freedoms, how about this scenario:

All of these dumb fuckholes with their “sincerely held religious beliefs” can go fuck themselves into oblivion. If you’re a bigot, own it; don’t hide behind your imaginary friends and your Bronze Age mythologies.

point to where in the bible it says to hate gays

Can someone explain to me how a business determines whether a mother is a single mother? For example, my girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years, we have a child together. She’s with him more than I am because I’m on the road as a truck driver. If a business owner sees them together, without me (because I’m

Example no 1,556,234,931 (just in the past three months) of the fact that it’s the right wing idiots talking about the left being “snowflakes” and needing “safe spaces” and yet whenever anyone dares dissent, they lose their fucking shit.