
Also reminds me why the Knicks/Suns brawl was so epic.

I think it’s more outrage at the fact that the only real consequence a campus which covered up 50+ rapes by players in the name of protecting the football team is a small cut of their tv budget.

It’s a pointless PR stunt. If the Big XII really wanted to prove that they actually care, they would just keep Baylor’s money. Baylor will get it once some “investigator” shows that they’ve “made changes” - whatever that means, and the Big XII will be able to claim that they care while still giving Baylor their

Somewhere Rob Deer is pondering why the Brewers let him walk. Just kidding, Rob Deer never knew what a walk was.

He really is astonishingly close to Farmer Fran.

I know that me saying that I’m a Patriots fan will get some hate on here but goddamn it, when they signed this guy it sickened me, but also made me sad. He clearly has a substance abuse problem and needs to get help. As someone who has struggled with alcoholism for years, it is a tough battle and most often a losing

You try living in Arizona sober.

This was a woman consenting to using her body in a sexual manner, and that’s not the Baylor way.

“We only believe in sex among the unwilling and unpaid.”

Phil would rocket to the top of my best coaches of all time list if all he said as a coach was complete nonsense.

I would give my middle testicle to trade Donald Trump to the Knicks and get Phil Jackson running the country.

Raise your hand if you used to be in the “DeMarcus Cousins is being ruined by the shitty inept Sacramento franchise” camp, but is now firmly in the “Fuck DeMarcus, he and the Kings deserve each other and should both burn to the ground” camp.

That booger-eating bastard coached one game for us, lost it, and then jumped ship. Saban has got to stop operating a halfway house for disgraced USC castoffs.

In all fairness, I think everyone in Atlanta is showing up to work drunk nowadays.

Kraft: “Just wait till you see him in the showers, Don.”

I still think he wants to fuck Rosie and that drives him fucking insane.

He really does deserve the opportunity to break something else.

They were so overcome that they prematurely ejected from their seats and exploded on to the court with the force of a mighty geyser.

A+ wig game.

Semen is an underappreciated popcorn topping.