
I like “Christian Mommy blogger” as a phrase, its contains as much of a concentrated warning as a cobra with hood flared, cat with fur fluffed up, and hippo yawning combined.

I’m getting more “unhealthy relationship with food and eating in general” than prima donna.

“the one that I was most drawn to when revisiting them this morning was, “She keeps saying ECUADOR?!” (The “she” in that case refers to both of the films stars, Amy Schumer and the great Goldie Hawn.”

I’d take Keifer Sutherland and all of his drinking problems (hey, old W had ‘em too!) and his only qualification being that he played a president on TV in a heartbeat. A HEARTBEAT.

I think his appointment is symbolic, he’s going to be a black figurehead, and he’s going to be doing the bidding of Trump directly. Which means simply slashing the programs through any means necessary so that Trump can say he’s “cleaning up government wastefulness”.