

You should make one more cake, but fuck with them. Make an abysmal carrot cake & put a bunch of other crap on it.

Weird that there were so many mint-haters in one place. I can understand that someone might dislike it, but never thought it was a widespread thing.

It may not be that everyone there hated mint (or so many people in general hate it) but rather the fact that mint is a strong flavor that doesn’t mix well with a lot of other flavors, such as beer, wine, and other drinks, etc. that people would be consuming at a Christmas eve get-together. I like mint (and mint

Those people baffle me.

Also, I was completely baffled by how many people asked me what flavor the cake was, even though it was clearly decorated with candy cane type candy. It’s carrot cake, what the fuck do you think?

That freaking blows! I would happily eat half that cake all by myself, it sounds amazing. And reminds me I need to go make those peppermint brownies I’ve been meaning to get to since last week’s draft.

Wow. I would be furious.

Grew up in 70s/80s “Up North”, my father was a chef up there at multiple establishments over the years. This was very popular at a number of those locations, and I very much enjoyed it when I had the rare (no pun intended) chance to sample. Haven’t had in many moons, but I know a family here in the Fox Valley that

I grew up in the Midwest, and when we were kids and Mom was making burgers or meatloaf or whatever, my brothers and I used to grab chunks of raw burger and eat it with lots of salt and pepper. Mom’d say “You guys are gonna get sick doing that” in a half hearted way like she knew it was fine, but she still felt like

I remember something like those from kidhood, I’m definitely going to try making them with Swerve subbed in for the sugar and see if they work out.

“For all of the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband’s hand on my boob

I’ve been a member of this community and two other for at least ten years. I’ve been an active commenter, lost my login info, and bounced between the two over the years.

I feel this. I’m also very introverted, and while I miss going to movies and eating in restaurants, I haven’t grown tired of essentially being stuck in the house with my husband every weekend. It’s a good thing we really like each other. 

holy wow, at least you got a good story out of it ;)

Additional point. Don’t ever buy onions again because they are the devils vegetable. Disgusting things. Throw yourselves out with your nasty onions all of ya!

would also settle for Scott Adams deciding to shut the fuck up

Yeah, I also found this whole comment to be lurid and disturbing, between the desire for specific details from her child on how she drowned, and the overly descriptive depiction of her drowning.

Smoritos is where it’s at - toast your marshmallow as usual, and sandwich it in between two Doritos. Sweet, salty, cheap, and the reason my high school friends and I got fat.

I do the same thing!