
why buy it for so much money then if you were going to still get it?

I will gladly pay more money for this one!

Looking at the raised properties and road, I think someone knew there was a lake there and still built on top of it.

I already said in many comments that Peter Jackson didn’t stay 100% to the books and that ¡s the big part missing from an otherwise great movie set. But he was constantly saying they are not book accurate and take it as a interpretation from the books, which is the right way to do it. The actors and directors from

It’s not ok, you said what’s my opinion, the correct thing would be to keep it as the book, on this case this is 99% new haven’t you watched? why call it Tolkien, just because? Imagine you make a Super Mario Bros movie and you change every fucking thing except the names, you think the people that Mario Bros audience

I had more issues to Tom Bombadil being left out of the movies, but he was probably Tolkien setting up a character for another book, he does nothing in the books and would take a long time in the movies, still would have loved it.

Arwen taking the one action scene from Glorfindel was a great idea because in the books

Since the release of the books people have been trying to make movies, toys, theater, etc. Tolkien trashed every single pitch because their wanted to change to story to fit it to the medium.

Staying accurate to the book was considered impossible and Ralph Bakshi tried but never got the budget and lacked the discipline

yes, these timeless books will make modern audiences bored to death, hence no Tolkien story just the character names and places, the rest is all new! Hope Bad Bunny makes a cameo as an elf!

it’s like with abortion rights, at some point you have to give up the right to say whatever you want.

I think it’s the one billion dollars sticker price and they still fucked it up, it could have been the greatest tv show ever made, better than the Peter Jackson movies just by following the author.

yes, now you understand why the Tolkien fans are angry about the lack of respect for his work using his name.

Looks like he buys his shirts from AI

those characters are as real as your girlfriend

“the series as fan fiction (of course it is)“

there it is, this isn’t Tolkien’s work.

It doesn’t make sense (to me) that Feanor would permit any Noldor who slew in defense of the Teleri to continue on his journey, even before he ditches nearly everyone. So, in my mind, that has to mean that Galadriel did not actually physically defend the Teleri.
Galadriel exaggerated how much she fought against Feanor.

Hey, nobody said you can’t watch it, just don’t think you are smart and reading a book, idiots don’t get credit for watching movies and tv based on books.

Can’t wait for Amazon to re-write The Bible with a Virgin Mary Sue fighting dinosaurs and say “based on the sacred scriptures”

Hermione isn’t the protagonist in the Harry Potter book no matter how much likeable she is, nor Galadriel should be on these series IF its supposed to be based on the Tolkien books, taking characters for whatever you want to do with them is ridiculous, it’s not based on what Tolkien wrote so no.

it’s not written on her character, I can do the same thing and say Galadriel was Superman in disguise, who can say she wasn’t other than Tolkien?

If Tolkien didn’t write her as “an elf princess waiting to become a queen and have her own kingdom waiting for her time to leave Middle Earth and cross the sea”, I would believe it, but Tolkien never said she was a warrior that about her so this is fan fiction