
Should be a trans woman and should be mexican or chinese, Q should be pregnant for the first movie and be a single smart mom.

bankers are really idiots if you think about it, now these losers are forcing the government to fix their 100,000 mistakes.

not really, there is no story, nothing important happens and just goes from scene to scene without reason, macguffins in Star Wars are not needed since they have “mysterious the force” but never once used it for other thing that fights. Kylo Ren is a stupid enemy that is never a threat and the soldiers are worst. All

Michaelangelo was obviously gay, that’s why it’s recorded that he had a lot of “young and handsome assistant painter students

Americans are just a bunch of illiterate mudders I tell you!

I once was in a forum for iOS games so big and small developers came in and gave out keys and wanted people to write reviews, of course they gave out just a few (ten to fifty) and people would get really pissed for missing out on the free game, of course, nobody there actually bought games and rarely anybody with a

The music industry is the most greedy of them all and MTV was their poster child, why do you think it’s still is going with no one watching?

People were talking about there were clues in the game that Eminem being the next Fortnite concert, this looks exactly how that usually is, even the gameplay aspects and places to stand and watch it live. I assume they just saw Epic’s proposal drawings and animations for the concert and Eminem went to MTV with them,

4 years ago Facebook was sued for collecting info on people over the years.

Guess I better start using Facebook and Google only now!

Not everyone is white in the top youtubers rank, not any dark skinned though

You will get better no need to feel down and compare yourself, she’s a super gamer.

His trolling was so good, Amazon Prime wants him for season 3! Kamiamama is his new name from now on!

Denuvo fucks up the performance of AAA pc releases, you think they are smart enough to make something that doesn’t ruin smaller Nintendo games everywhere? specially since they are doing this without approval of Nintendo.

EA doesn’t care everyone is gonna buy it since it’s the only football game always have this “patented supertech that add realism” and plays the same, notice how they bought Codemasters and raised the price of the F1 official game by almost 3x with new textures for the cars? it’s like their whole business model is

ti will go down in price once it’s commonly available on stores, it runs out in the same day.

just wait for the jailbreak to get a Ps5, and still there are not enough games to consider buying it yet.

They shave because wanna look like Dwayne Johnson, you think this guy has testosterone? he’s a women hitting puss.

the main reason the company shuttered the movie in the first place: So they could write it off as a loss on their taxes”

The Billion dollar Lord of the Rings show is better though... NOT!