
It’s HBO Max so it’s gonna deconstruct the character and make it in worse way possible, few weeks later everyone will hate the character to oblivion.

the big guys are not helping, the nato goverments have not issued barely any info on asylum, people need help yesterday, not next elections.

Rockstar does also promise...

Isn’t that what the rolling credits are for?  don’t know if sexual orientation is something that’s relevant in the artistic side of the game creation industry, but it’s part of freeedom.

the day you come to ask yourself this question is about 20 years too late, you fucked up your life a long time ago...

SO it was just a coincidence...

the guys at the top were invited to make a Star Wars trilogy so they fucked up Game of Thrones, it wouldn’t surprise me if someone at Disney asked them to... after the stupid finale, the Star Wars trilogy  was cancelled.

Casino Royale was mostly made to go against modern spy Bourne movies... but its 10x better than all those films together.

I run a meme factory

sure, Disney will give out any of their characters forever to someone else!

listen you little shit...

There a big tie-in movie characters in Fortnite too

He says he’s sorry, looks bad for a couple months, goes back to work in a year like nothing happened ;)

Sony is trying to have their Marvel pie, they cut a deal and Disney just lets these things happen in “the multiverse” they get to have all their movies in Disney+

What if it was the bank that did it? can you keep it?

How is anything about this system different than buying ads on google?”
they are not different, you pay Google to push out your content to people.

a drought is a natural event, selling cheap water to industries without any kind of limit is a man-made decision.

They assume everyone cares about the Minis enough to remember they are british, exactly the same way when you see a Beetle you think of Germany and a Harley Davison you think of the american flag.

You are about to turn left but the arrow says you are turning right? nobody will confuse this.

The Resident Evil character is a giant MILF, this is more of cartoony villain.

all whites are the same no matter how nice you tell yourself you are.