
Once again people will focus on gun violence and the included suicides to present it as a pandemic. Gun homicides have increased at most 2% over the past 20 years while suicides as whole are up 20-30% in the same time frame, padding the stats of ‘gun deaths’ and we continue to ignore the non existant mental health

It’s a neatly packaged story, but not really useful or true. Breaking down the stats there are about 2,000 homicides with a gun in a year that are “random”, which would be similar to the kinds of homicides in the most commonly compared countries. The majority of homicides are directly linked to criminal activity, and

I still have my X. I love it. Unfortunately I need to get smogged for the first time, so I need to put it back to stock for a week or two =(

Pretty sure there is no “Drift Button” It’s just one of the driving modes.

Personally I don’t think “treat your most enthusiastic customers like crap until they actually take delivery of the car” is a great customer service policy.

Thank you for helping shed some light on this Kristen. There’s at least a dozen people in the same boat (get it?!) as me that have contacted me since I wrote the Medium post yesterday.

We need to start getting tough with these people.