
Redout anyone? I don’t think you can make your own tracks, but god, it looks way better graphically than this game and plays similar to old school f zero games. Truly an awesome experience. REDOUT. REDOUT. REDOUT. It’s on steam, go get your fix now. REDOUT

Yes, because blaming everyone besides the loser is the way to regroup and win the next one. ugh...

SHHHHH. People are enjoying things, go away.

Multiplayer AAA PC games in general need cross platform play with consoles to survive. Besides Battlefield, AAA shooters don’t have long lasting communities on pc, which is sad. I blame counter strike mainly, but this certainly isn’t helping anything. They are going in the opposite direction. Why buy COD on pc, where

well, used to be able to do. Skyrim’s customization and non linear options are nothing compared to Morrowind and Oblivion.

Can’t wait for the Mario Kart Paywall 9000 to be announced tomorrow.

so true, FO being a prime example of too many changes, and it suffered greatly because of it.

true, tastes change, and games go in different directions and sometimes mess stuff up. I remain hopeful...

except Lords of the Fallen was not great (according to reviews), so hopefully they learn from their mistakes. Also Nioh looks.....well stiff is how I would describe the combat.

I’m assuming they will be great, the first one was highly rated.

ahh yes, the “if you criticize Hillary, you’re sexist” comment. Straight to the top on Jezebel with this one! Easy stars for you.

so someone saying “dawg” is toxic? obviously haven’t played COD....

what? you can literally not upgrade your pc and run the exact same games you ran 7 years ago....I can buy a pc today and NEVER upgrade it, and it will basically be a console. PC has the option, consoles don’t/

I had more faith that the top comment of this article wouldn’t be so fucking stupid, I guess Gawker folks had to go somewhere....

uhh are you joking? TV is all controversies and sexual stuff and they get ads, are you thinking these comments through or nah?

yes because I’ve never bought a game after 8 months....I’m so sick of this stupid argument, pirating harms pc gaming, no wonder devs dont give two shits about putting out a solid pc port.

“Perhaps it might be time to just put out a well-made, well-priced product.” - Jesus man/woman, there are tones of well made well priced products that get pirated.

I dont understand this, why remake something that already has a better sequel?

Boo this man, but I get it, their licensed games (transformers, TMNT) are all pretty similar, and TMNT was not great. I would hardly put games like vanquish and bayonetta in the same league as the simpsons game though. Just FYI, all those licensed games were part of a partnership with Activision, and we know their

so butthurt 30 something try hards are mad because they can’t find digital monsters? Got it. for the casual fanbase, I don’t think this is a huge issue. Also, just to clarify, I like the game, but when people get so competitive about a video game that they spew vitriol (especially when it’s a casual af game) it