Dev F

And he failed at what he was actually trying to do, which is to take out the bandit so they could steal his truck and his water. Flipping the car instead might’ve looked badass, but it was completely counterproductive.

Except that it was the single most important glimpse of Saul’s backstory Breaking Bad ever gave us—it’s his explanation for why he believes that “it’s a cruel world” and Walt needs to “grow up” and understand that the people who love him will betray him. If there’s one single line it would be most meaningful for Better

To be fair, it’s only the early episodes of Watchmen that flirt with the idea, quite in keeping with the themes of the original graphic novel, that Robert Redford’s left-wing authoritarian government would be just as poisonous as Nixon’s right-wing authoritarian government. Eventually the genuinely aggrieved racist

She was apparently in talks when it was supposed to be a film adaptation produced by Sam Raimi, but that project fell through. At this point Williams has probably aged out of the role—not to mention become so well known for playing a hardened badass warrior that she’s not the ideal fit for the role that has to

We know Kim was from a tiny town on the Kansas-Nebraska border that no one’s ever heard of, and that she knew she had to leave or she’d end up working as a cashier at the Hinky Dinky and married to the guy who ran the gas station. That sort of background seems totally in keeping with how she describes her childhood

What struck me about the documentary after looking into the case further is that it tries so hard to cultivate an air of even-handedness, but if you compare the way it presents the facts of the assault against the victim’s grand jury testimony, it’s clear how much the movie still has its thumb on the scale in favor of

See, to me the trailer made it seem like a regular sequel, with Vanessa Williams even playing the same character as in the original. But it doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t want to focus the movie on the white lady who took over the Candyman legend, even though that might’ve made an interesting meditation on

Yeah, I think second or third grade. Definitely not kindergarten, though.

But that would make her three in 2002 when Better Call Saul starts, and only about five at the current point in the series, neither of which seem in line with the way the character is portrayed. It’s an awkward fit either way, but I think her going from five to seven to twelve probably makes the most sense.

No, I just don’t recall them establishing that that the cartel had transitioned to meth distribution prior to last night’s episode. Maybe I missed some references, or maybe the transition just happened off-screen prior to the main timeframe of the series. (shrug)

Her age was always sort of messed up, since they never recast the role on Breaking Bad, which meant that by the last season you had a character who was supposed to be like seven or eight years old but the actress was now a tween. Eventually they had Hank mention that she was ten, which was probably an attempt to split

The only worrisome note sounds when Lalo says he’s got something “much better” planned for Domingo than Nacho ensuring his silence in custody.

Yep. And that, in turn, is a testament to the fact that it’s fully Lorne Michaels’s show right now—and that this is no longer a good thing. Without the counterbalancing influence of a strong comedic mind like Tina Fey or Seth Meyers, Lorne is apparently content to coast on celebrity ass-kissing, pop-culture references,

No, both men are trafficking cocaine, not meth. That was the basis of the initial conflict between Gus and the cartel: Gus and Max wanted to persuade Don Eladio to expand into meth, but Eladio refused, killed Max, and continued to traffic in cocaine alone. Gus has a long-term plan to force the cartel into the meth

Yeah, it was 100 percent just a cover story. Also, to get technical, the story wasn’t that Werner stole some of the cartel’s meth, because at this point in the timeline the cartel doesn’t sell meth. Gus’s story is that Werner stole two keys of coke, and he cut the rest of the shipment with meth to hide the shortfall.

Yeah, she was terrific in a role that was pretty badly underwritten, soft-pedaling anything having to do with Bev being a sexual abuse survivor in favor of generic “She’s a real tough cookie!” crowd-pleasery. I’m actually curious to see how she handles a role like this one, where the writers seem less afraid about make

Lol, holy shit. Is the first scene a funeral march?

Yeah, that deep-cut free association seems to be his go-to response to criticism. See also his answer last month when asked what he’d say to one of Sanders’s attacks on his record: “Good luck, Bernie. Lots of luck in your senior year, Bernie. That’s what they used to say in the yearbooks, you know: ‘Lots of luck in

It was rough enough that it made me wonder if the Bieber Green Screen was unused simply because they couldn’t get it to work”

unresolved fan theories like whether or not Sarah Lynn’s stepdad abused her