Dev F

I read it as a example of Jon being surprised in the moment by something he foresaw earlier. (“You mean that you’re sleeping with Dreiberg?”) Both he and Angela think they’ve killed all the 7th Cavalry, but crucially, the one manning the teleporter is shot by Angela, not blown up by Jon. So he gets back up and fires

I’m surprised the show didn’t have the beam hit be the result of him coming to protect Angela.

Donald was born in 1946, and the movie where the Cyclops provoked the riot was playing THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY, which premiered in 1947, so he would've already been around.

The dude is fucking crazy, there’s no telling what he would do especially after the realization that he actually killed millions of people sets in.

King Mob doesn’t refer to the Invisibles character. It’s a reference to the original comic, in which the Minutemen kept “King Mob’s Ape Mask” under glass in their headquarters, alongside “Moloch’s Solar Mirror Weapon.”

This will also un-ban previously forbidden practices called “block booking” and “circuit dealing,” which involved studios forcing theaters to buy multiple films as a package deal—like, say, Disney saying that a theater can only get Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker if all of its other screens are showing Frozen 2,

Yep. And also establishes that the intel obtained in the interrogation was in their system all along, but a surfeit of information and “human error” prevented it from being analyzed. Hardly a statement that the interrogation program was awesome and vital, and perhaps an indictment of the effort wasted on it that

But isn’t one of the original comic’s main criticisms of Adrian—and of superheroes in general—the fact that they aren’t willing to offload responsibility onto other people? After all, the novel ends by drawing a stark contrast between this superhero who thought he had to be the one to commit this horrific act to save

It’s apparently totally CGI, since a real mirrored mask would reflect all the cameras and crew.

I always read Adrian as sort of a clean-cut bon vivant, what with his tendency to give saucy interviews to lifestyle magazines and show off his acrobatic skills on TV. So Irons’s basic affect seemed right to me.

Yeah, Keene also basically confessed to stealing TS/SCI information to a guy he pulled in off the street, so he may not be the brightest light in the Senate.

Mostly his chilly affect and atheism, it seems like, which is why I initially dismissed it. But there are other little things that kinda point in that direction—that one episode title, Laurie’s attraction to Cal, the possible irony of Angela telling Cal about Will’s theory that Dr. Manhattan can pretend to be human

Hrm . . . Fuel for the “Cal is Dr. Manhattan” theory?

Well, I reject the idea that a creator’s stated intentions trump the evidence of the actual text, but in this case we absolutely do know what Fuller did and did not intend, because he’s talked about it repeatedly and in detail. He said initially that “Will Graham is very definitely heterosexual” and that he was

Do I think there was always supposed to be an intense, quasi-romantic bond between the characters that complicated both their friendship and their enmity? Of course. Do I think the show intended all along for its decent and soulful protagonist to develop a depraved sex-equals-death bond with a monstrous serial killer

Eh, I found season 3 really soapy and incestuous, focusing on shallow will-they-won’t-they shipping and incoherent five-dimensional-chess revenge plotting, at the expense of most anything genuine or nuanced they’d tried to do with the characters in previous seasons.

Basically all my faves are on the list, so I can’t really complain, but I do think it’s interesting that my list would prioritize “The entire series forms a coherent and satisfying whole” more than the official list does. Community at its best was top-shelf stuff, but at its worst it was pretty dire, and it was closer

Agree with the general consensus of “Ugh, no.” To my mind, the original Weeds peaked toward the end of season 1 (specifically, with the episode “The Punishment Light”), and then began an ever-accelerating slide toward unwatchability.

Meaning, I assume, that he’s always dodging the incoming traffic but they’re never reacting to him in any way.

I’m about five days into my first play-through of Disco Elysium and I’ve been loving it so far. I think it’s a testament to the game’s sharp artistic POV and its strong sense of immersion that it keeps ridiculing me mercilessly for playing my character as a spineless moderate (achievement attained: “The World’s Most