Dev F

The fascinating thing to me about that moment is that I’m pretty sure it was created in the editing room. That is, I think that originally the scene was meant to play as it does in the book, with Catelyn looking down and realizing Roose was wearing armor, and Roose following her gaze down. But without Catelyn’s inner

To me the reason the Other Rebecca gags got so tiresome is because they stopped trying to tell new jokes after like the second week. Week #1: Her name isn’t even Rebecca! Week #2: And she’s CRAZY! Week #3: Yep, lookit how crazy she is! Week #4: Like, SO crazy!

Heh, I think “house of mirrors gunman,” “on-fire gas mask guy,” and “horrifying flesh golem” are appreciably stranger things.

I love that the producers clearly asked Netflix for a little more money this season and Netflix was like, “How about if we gave you a lot more money?”

Oh, I don’t disagree with that either. I’m not one of those people who insists on hewing to the book for its own sake. The thing the book did right was not that it gave Euron a magic horn, but that it gave him mysterious knowledge and dark power from the world far beyond the Iron Islands.

None of the wannabe kings are killed directly by Melisandre’s blood magic, though. It’s more of a curse that manipulates circumstances to bring about their deaths through other means—if it’s not just a coincidence that wannabe kings tend to die in a war for the throne.

In the books, though some suspect that Euron killed his brother, he certainly didn’t admit to it, let along brag about it as a qualification for the job. He also comes to the moot with a specific plot to take control of Dany’s dragons with a magic horn he found in his years of wandering, not just a “plan” to build a

I haven’t read all the supplemental histories and whatnot, so maybe there is a precedent somewhere in there. But from what I have read, it at the very least seems like a super heavy lift, considering Gendry would be the a) lowborn b) unacknowledged son of a c) long-dead king being uplifted to d) lordship and e) the

I don’t have enough faith in the TV series’ writers at this point to believe they won’t have Gendry ascend to the throne, but it’s certainly not in keeping with the way the system was established originally, either in the books or in the early, better seasons of the show.

There’s also an issue, I think, of how Fuller spent the money. To me the one major weakness of the first season was that it didn’t work at all as a travelogue, a journey through these obscure corners of a forgotten America. The show clearly spent a huge amount of time and money crafting these mythic vistas and none at

Speaking of the original movie’s setting, I was amused during my most recent rewatch to realize a weird implied element of the premise: that the housing project haunted by the Candyman was built on the site of the flesh-and-blood Candyman’s murder, a century-old public park called Cabrini Green. Or is the idea that

Saw this at Sundance. Both in its subject and its impeccable gothic style, it reminded me a lot of The Babadook. But in the end it’s not a flattering comparison, because The Babadook was so good at establishing a unique demonic threat and giving it such specific psychological underpinnings, whereas the threat here

I have seen it, and it’s amazing. Only Fulcher could crack me up that much just by repeatedly failing to say the name “Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin.”

I have seen it, and it’s amazing. Only Fulcher could crack me up that much just by repeatedly failing to say the name “Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin.”

“This guy is like an ape! He’s got ape arms! He’s got, like, ape awkward arms! This guy is like an ape awkward guy! THIS GUY . . . is an ape awk . . . awkt . . . Oxward!

From what I’ve gathered from the most recent reports, he wanted it to be seen on surveillance—he apparently pointed out a nearby camera to police, and was disappointed to learn that it was filming in a different direction. Which is so, so stupid, but also answers one of the questions I had all along about the hoax

Yep. And since I’ve always figured that Stark’s storyline for the film will be to go back in time and die fighting Thanos to prevent the Snappening, the film will probably also be a fitting end to Pepper’s character as well, a view of the future she and Tony could’ve had together but now never will because they’re

This. Judging by the samples provided, this AI is notable only for being able to kind of capture the rhythms of actual language while spouting random nonsense.

So you know what Smollet’s schedule was that day? You realize that celebrities make public appearances, right?

According to news reports, the two persons of interest were identified by their family as brothers from Nigeria. They actually left for Nigeria the day of the attack and were taken into custody on their return.