Dev F

That was really my only major beef was season 1—that it ended with this horrific bloodbath, and not just the hosts but a number of the human characters didn’t seem to think it was that big a deal. Felix, Sylvester, and Ford are all weirdly blase about it, even though they’ve worked for years among the people getting

Am I missing something? I cannot for the life of me figure out what Mulaney’s account of the naming of the “Two Sides” sketch (which actually went to air, starring Andy Samberg as Hugh Jackman and Hugh Jackman as Daniel Radcliffe) has to do with the origins of the lobster diner sketch.

Multiple Lawrences? There’s no particular reason any of the hosts have to be unique.

I’d be more apt to let bygones be bygones if he at least owned up to having some romantic interest and overstepping the bounds of appropriate workplace behavior. But instead he issued a full-throated denial despite what seems to be strong corroborating evidence that something sleazy went down. And that means he’s

This isn’t going to be a barn burner like Winter’s Bone—it’s much quieter and more intimate—but I think it’s actually a better movie. Likewise, Thomasin McKenzie’s performance probably isn’t going to make her an overnight superstar, since it’s delicate and soulful rather than crowd-pleasingly steely, but it’s every

Yeah, for most of the first season it was not at all clear that Brother Justin was meant to be the bad guy. It’s saved for a revelation in one of the last episodes of the season: “I am an evil man. I am a sinful man. I am . . . a man.”

So glad to hear him confirm what I’ve always suspected about Carnivàle—that it never really recovered from the loss of Ron Moore, who was the force of experience and discipline necessary to counterbalance Dan Knauf’s extravagant flights of fancy.

Maybe, but I’m not sure how the DNA helps with that.

True, though that could also be one of the other parks—RealWorldWorld.

I had the same thought; it would add some fun irony to Dolores’s line that the only role she has left to play is herself.

A different spin but still an ambiguous one, because the “them” could be the hosts floating in the lake in front of them, or the hundreds of guests Strand mentioned immediately prior.

I wondered if they were gathering data to create synthetic replacements for the rich and powerful people who made use of their parks.

Yeah, the episode made a point of showing us that the hosts’ CPUs are encased in the clear brain fluid. Presumably Bernard has a leak that’s corrupting his CPU functions.

Eh, unless you’re the guy at the very top who’s not getting starved or indoctrinated at all (except inasmuch as you end up brainwashing yourself), you’re probably at least somewhat of a victim. Judging by how crazed and emaciated Mack has seemed in recent footage, it’s hard for me to see her as 100 percent evil

“Tick-tock” is a media term for writing that offers a detailed chronological account of some newsworthy incident. I’d never heard of it until the Trump era, but nowadays reporters are constantly complimenting each other’s tick-tock coverage of the administration on Twitter.

Ugh. Audience Q&As can be fun, but there’s always that one guy who ruins it for everyone. I’ve never seen anyone pitch their screenplay before, though; usually it’s just some pitiful attempt at showing off, awkwardly phrased as a question. “Hi, I noticed you did [rambling explanation of something that literally

To be honest, I suspect it’s partially a coping mechanism. At a certain point the amount of bullshit you have to keep in your head to maintain an alt-right point of view—all the “fake news” and the conspiracies on top of conspiracies—becomes too much too much for even the most flexible mind to take seriously, and you

I think it’s a movie rather than a TV series, though, and movies can usually get away with being a little more inventive with their titles.

After A Quiet Place I’ll see anything Krasinski attempts next, but I gotta ask: Why are they changing a unique and intriguing title like We Have Always Lived on Mars to something derivative and cluttered up with unrelated impressions like Life on Mars?

I actually think it’s tougher for a more abstract artist like Lynch to offer any explanation of his work. Most artists can get away with offering a literal-level gloss of their work—This is what you’re looking at or This is what’s happening or This is what the character is thinking—but if your work barely has a