
Um, what? The decision to stop development on the PS5 version was done before Sony objected to the Activision deal. So without any objection, they taught Sony that they would cancel their versions of games. Sony is now trying to keep them from doing that further. 

No, he said the merger wasn't proposed for the purpose of taking games away from the competition. It's splitting hairs, but he's not wrong. Besides, until we get a Last of Us port Sony's complaining gives me a warm feeling in the cockles of my heart.


How does KotOR get a pass because “Sony partially funded it” but Redfall doesn’t when Microsoft *wholly* funds it?

Yes but it’s only bitter Sony pedants that think that’s a valid argument.

Why is it always seem like everyone acts like it’s a dick move when Microsoft pulls this kind of shit but shrewd and savvy when Sony does it?

And yet you’ll still be able to play it for free day one on Game Pass.


Verily, though hast drunk deeply of the Elon Kool-aid.  I  will continue to enjoy the discreet charms of my humble Mazda as I use the grip of its Blizzaks to evade the Tesla skidding on ice up in the mountains 

I have to admire Tesla’s ability to part the fan boys from their money

The survey also had interersting things to say about the Pope’s Catholicism and the defecation habits of Ursidae.

It’s the rightward shift’n’grift - he’s pulling in the red pill/red hat/Qanunce types.

Not like there haven’t always been reasons for a bad reputation though...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Elon Needs To Step Off Of His Private Jet...Preferably While It’s In The Air...Without A Parachute.

Starting a car company isn’t easy, so in that sense Tesla is pretty remarkable.
Then there’s the fact that he’s kind of an asshole.
Then there are the wacky “self driving” accidents, panel gaps and steering wheel stories.
Then there’s that bland iPad bolted to the dash look, when it turns out people really do want some bu

I think the hole that he kept digging deeper and deeper with Twitter proved that he’s incapable of self reflection.

You forgot to mention that he went all in on the right wing asshat bullshit. 

I don’t think we need a report to tell us what we already know. All I know is that indeed- his douchy behaviour gives me no desire to ever buy one of Tesla’s products.

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