
As someone who has put hundreds of hours in Civ VI and every previous iteration on PC, the Switch edition is terrible. The controls make it much slower to get through a game, and it crashes frequently for no apparent reason. Add to that the lack of expansions and it’s officially the only Civilation game I regret

Mike, reading your WOW stories always makes me want to re-activate my account.

Anyone else click just to see if the reward was 2 tokens and a blue?

This also made the game get stale very quickly. There aren’t that many civilizations in the base game and no way am I going to pay piecemeal for new civs.

As of a year or 2 ago Asheron’s Call moved from a monthly subscription to a buy-once ($10) and play free model. It is also very light on hardware requirements and due to a large number of devoted Add-on developers it is pretty easy to automate in-game tasks. So most players have multiple accounts, some even have 9

No worries, I explained the history of AC to my wife when they announced it would be shut down, her reply was “How do you know all of this?” :)

I play both WoW and AC off-and-on, unfortunately they just don’t scratch the same itch.

Nope, AC was never as popular as games like UO, EQ, and WoW, so the Emulator scene never took off.

MS sold Asheron’s Call to Turbine, the studio that developed the game, years ago. The problem is WB turned Turbine into a Mobile game studio and is selling off the other MMOs they created while shuttering AC.

Get a harness, our cat hasn’t managed to houdini his way out of it yet.


Yes! Talk to the neighbors! We learned 30 years of history on our last house from the nice elderly couple down the street.

Unfortunately the spreadsheet doesn’t include discounts like lightning deals, so the actual amount spent may be overstated.