Doyle Roach

I wonder if Ed Boon, Drake, and the Officer from FLCL exchange eyebrows with each other?

Pokemon taught me that school is worthless and it's better to leave home at 10.

Bad – Mass Murder, No Consequences

And people that are vague don't explain shit, and in general do nothing to help further a conversation.

Even more fun: the folded eggs in the biscuits while, I will admit are DELICIOUS AS SIN, come from a milk carton. You just kinda pour it out into the mold, fold it over aaaaand there you have it. Carton egg.

"6969 brah. 'Cause if once is good, twice is better! Am I right? High five!"

Now playing

Mute the audio and watch it with the SW theme.

While I know a majority of these, would be so hard to type in the name of the fictional character below each photo? For the sake of everyone at least understanding the effort some of these cosplayers are making to mimic them.

Now playing

Pretty much go through and beat trainers and gym leaders, though that's no different than any other RPG to be honest.

"There is a kid-friendly recreation area where adults can drop off their young ones while they go look at giant dicks."

Quake with fear, children... for soon comes the day of the Taco-flavor Doritos Taco Loco.