The neighbors say they just want peace and fear someone will get hurt if the woman’s behavior continues
The neighbors say they just want peace and fear someone will get hurt if the woman’s behavior continues
Imagine the lack of emotional maturity that it takes to be triggered by a sign to the point that you feel that you have the right to destroy it.
The gif that keeps on giving.
I would like to include the “Karen” who somehow has black children in her care (adopted? grandchildren) but nonetheless spews racist shit in their presence or references them WHILE spewing racist shit.
LOL This made me actually laugh, yes sis.
The f*ck!? This is NOT a decent apology. It is some gaslighting-ass tomfoolery half cooked up by a PR intern who cannot really say no to their client. DaBossyBottom pays everyone on his team (while he can!), so they will continue to say half-baked sh*t to cover for their client.
Bold of you to assume she’s not completely aware of what she’s doing. Political violence has always been her plan.
She did the right thing by withdrawing and it took a lot of maturity and wisdom to do it.
a skinny aging white woman *worth at least $69 million thanks to NBC’s deep desire to cut bait*. Just do what I’d do with that much money and move to Aruba and enjoy life. But I guess she didn’t get paid to keep her mouth shut.
She can do a show with Meghan McCain and call it “Mean Girls”. that’s a powerful political ad. If I lived in Arkansas, he’s the sort of candidate I’d want representing me.
They basically just would like the democrats to become the Washington Generals and let them have control of everything while the DNC allows them to dunk on them for fun.
Here I am cracking up because I ALMOST googled “What is a bussy?”
“And shoutout to popular culture for doing a better job of teaching American history than most schools.”
I think I would have died that day. I just don't know if mentally I would have been able to handle someone treating the remains of my baby like that, especially knowing everything she went through as she died. I just dont know. The cops would have either killed me or I would have been committed from a complete…
White racist bitches like Huckabay, and the imbecilic state representative, are always sqawking about the positive aspects of slavery and human trafficking. Yet, I can guarantee you that neither one of these assholes would volunteer to be kept in chains, separated from their families, worked from sun up until sundown…
Rhodes told the police he didn’t actually have any weapons in his car