
PLEASE stop writing articles on subjects you have no proper knowledge of.

In terms of speed, yes! In terms of nearly everything else, the technoligy has improved vastly. It wasn't economically viable for the airlines or the passengers to fly the Concorde, even though it was a very beautiful bird.

Did you just compare a cell phone to a stealth fighter jet?

This is also for talking to passengers or riding partners, which can be an added safety feature if used properly.

Now I'm depressed...

They've already bought the hummer with the DNA lab in the back though.

USB ports are disabled to anything other than the registered peripherals. Regardless, IE is still widely used and with as many users as this site has they don't make this available to those people? Lazy or bias, either is saddening.

You want to use some of my tinfoil?

Ya, not very clear. Would be nice to know if only 1% of accounts were vulnerable or all.

I thought it was good for a laugh! Would love to see a follow up post though =/

Sounds like you had a great experience! I know I would be kicking myself for not asking lower.

Most people don't use their vehicle to full capacity. While airlines don't either, they sure try their hardest.

RTFA...good lord.


How is this better than (for example)'s generator? It seems like more work for the same results.

But they've had relatively few manned space missions (I believe less than half the number of NASA), and have carried far less equipment.

That's some expensive jars of fruit.

Israel has some nice stuff, some of the best training, and first class intelligence (not to mention the will to flex their strength). I certainly wouldn't stir up that nest. However, in size, strength, and global presence they're nowhere near the US. Much of their air force is comprised of US made aircraft.

The tech behind weapons is incredible and some of the most leading edge stuff out there. I agree giz should stay away from political opinions, but explaining how a weapon works is fine by me.