
That's a great link, thanks for posting it. It's a testament to Amy Sedaris' improvisational skills that she was able to make us go crazy with speculation, it kinda makes me laugh.

Exactly. The reveal of his identically dressed wife and him immediately shushing her was great.

She's starting to win me over. Her weekend update appearances were getting kinda repetitive, but in this sketch she completely doubled down on just about everything. I don't know whether to think she's doing self-parody now or that she was just always doing that

Because this sketch is the most diabolical snl sketch in recent memory, I'd say the ending is pretty consistent. I still can't believe they went there.

You're not overthinking, that is spot on. I think it goes to show if someone enters your life and effortlessly restores happiness to a person who was pretty much entirely broken in a matter of minutes. That is when you should be wary of what happens next, too much happiness isn't always a great thing.

Horace and Pete's discussion about life and death and how to sustain it in the beginning of episode 2 is crucial to this episode. Horace wanting to "sleep more and wrap it up" is a wish fulfilled, just not in the way he expected or probably wanted.

I agree with you there. I just think if there is any truth to Chuck's story, then that might be the point that led to Chuck's constant undermining of Jimmy because he thinks he knows him better than anyone else.

it switched again (i'm bobjefferson)

Right about slippin Jimmy and his crookedness. (i'm deucefrenzy btw my account keeps switching for some reason)

The pattern were constantly seeing with Chuck turning out to be right time and time again is pretty telling. And I think that probably applies to his story as well. He might be pulling strings but probably no more than the strings Jimmy pulls just by pure charm, which Chuck unfortunately has none of so he compensates

Alright good point, them being polar opposites was way off the mark in terms of public personas. It's just that Swift's music seems as equally calculated as her public persona, and I don't think that applies to Lawrence and her acting.

That might be true, but I don't think Jonah really cares. His humor is very self deprecating and he handled those sketches better than probably anyone could.

The "I'm just a normal person" is grating, but it's mainly bolstered by the media. Taylor Swift is a strange person to compare her to because Lawrence is the polar opposite of Swift, apart from hair color/skin color. Her performances are practically chaotic compared to Swifts music. And with Joy she showed again that

That was a great sketch, one thing that kept it from being brilliant was the resemblance to that CIA training scene in Men in Black.…

The last episode with Jonah Hill was the edgiest episode all season, and that one was plunked with a D+. It's actually pretty mind-boggling that his reviews are so well thought out, but ultimately downright confusing.

I loved his clap, reminded me of Brendan Fraser at that awards show. And ariana grande impressed me with how good of a sport she was about it.