
Yeah, a Lando movie would be, I expect, miles ahead of what we’re going to get. So much of Han Solo’s charisma is tied, very directly, to Harrison Ford and his own natural charisma. It’s pretty difficult to see how this actor will be able to replicate that, even if he’s really good.

“Sabotage” starts, Elvis Costello cuts in, says “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen, there’s no reason to do this song here,” and we continue the trailer - but with the Cantina music.

*wakes up*
Man I feel like I got hit by a bus... oh that’s right.

I dunno. An expert troll would have also included a mention of working “under the hood.”


Still more talented than a Kardashian.

(how the hell did he get it off that burning pyre on Endor intact if it is, though?)

Bike mechanic here.... and there is nothing on that bike that looks particularly special at the $400 US price point. The fact that you have to assemble it yourself is what removes any value. And complaints about the box size and packaging are pointless as they are exactly the same as for any other bike. Like with so

Hmm, Tina Fey as a hologram for real this time?

The days of a dad or mom flailing wildly with an outstretched arm, hoping vainly to impact some little sass-mouth are over: those parental arm-strikes can now be directed with absolute precision to make that little jackass shut the hell up, already, and leave his sister alone.

He had such hope for his pork-based food truck, but ended up with only many botched hams.

You wish the electoral college would do their part? vote against the will of the people? The electoral college ensures that each state will have a say in the election as all states have different needs and different cluster sizes of people. They did their job just fine. Who did NOT do their job was the democratic


It is absurd how there seems to be an XKCD comic for all situations that ever occur, Randall Munroe is a genius.

What makes you think a sophisticated millennial will use such an unsophisticated knot?

Or you can use a taut line hitch, a knot specifically designed to adjust and hold tension between two lines, with no extra pieces required, and no chance of a sharp piece of aluminum cutting through your line under load.

I play an IT leadership role in my organization. Absolutely inexcusable that a data center supporting a major company like Delta doesn’t test their backup power regularly. Should be part of the business continuity and disaster recovery plan. Heck I test my house’s backup generator once a month.

I would have taken it down too. I’m is spelled with an apostrophe.