
The character Jess most definitely. Bad attitude - troublemaker. Good acting made him thoroughly unlikeable.

Feel better now?

What's the story with Meemaw's engagement ring? Didn't Sheldon buy a ring for Amy himself? It looked to be a modern ring in a new ring box, which we saw at the end of last season's finale.

Kudos to Sophie McShera aka Daisy. This actress has done a great job with the character of Daisy. She's at times headstrong, compassionate (think her father-in-law) lovestruck, and righteous. She has flourished under Mrs. Patmore's wing and the attentions of Mr. Mosely. Her affection and loyalty to Mr. Mason

I'm concerned more for the Dowager and Carson.

I must have a clog somewhere 'cause I've never gotten a drop much less a trickle.

Go home.

I'm late but want to join the discussion. I've read many comments and I want to share my thoughts too. The most honest character on TBBT is Sheldon. He's proven time and time again that he's unable to lie. Love him or hate him Sheldon is The Sun around which everyone else revolves. This is entirely his doing. He

Possibly I have 'old ears'. I've been watching British programs since the 1960s. I go back to The Forsyte Saga, Roy Marsden as P.D.James' Adam Dagliesch, Martin Shaw in anything and everything, Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect, et al. I'll leave it to you to determine whether it's regional, generational or regularly

If it wasn't for closed captioning, I wouldn't know what Ellie or Hardy were saying. DT is a classically trained actor and I have such difficulty under-
standing him in this series. I watched him in Hamlet and had very little trouble and I don't remember a problem with him as Dr. Who. Does anyone else feel the leads

Had a bad day?

Thanks for the much needed laugh.

Question for you. Where on TV do we find 'great journalism' in the 24/7 cycle we now endure thanks to the internet? Better question. Who in our culture would endure 'great journalism' if it existed? Would we spare the time to digest and absorb same or would we flip the dial for the latest score or latest couples

I am so disappointed with this review. We are all entitled to our own opinions so I'll live with it. However, are we to assume that there is no way to prosecute rape for what it is - RAPE? In schools, in the military, everywhere there is rape. Are women just supposed to suck it up and shut up? Rape is a serious

YOU are the real threat to America. :)

Funny thing about most winners on Jeopardy, they annoy the heck out of me. It seems you have to have some sort of stich/tic to be smart. (No tomatoes please). If they aren't rocking side to side, they attack their button like it was the enemy. Also, some of them speak inaudibly to the point I have to use closed