
Right! Anything with more than 4 legs deserves death... period.

A spider? Psh. Call me when a whole ass bird flies through your driver’s side window and concussed itself on the passenger side window and proceeds to have a seizure in the footwell.

OMG! I am so with you, Panama!

You know what you have to do.

A white guy who asks “well how come they can say it?” in public.

Obviously a white guy wrote that message. Sheesh. As if we would ever say “nigger cock” to another black person.

I watched the video earlier and I swear when the cops asked why the dog, she said “because dogs are aMAAAAAAAAYZing!!!!!!”. So it does not surprise me in the least that she tried to crawl into someone’s car because she had a connection with a dog she’d never seen before.

“Ayanna’s dog couldn’t be reached for comment.”

There’s something about independent, black films that... When its bad writing involved, it irks the shit out of me.

I usually don’t feed trolls, but since you’re already out of the greys: This has to be one of the dumbest comments I’ve read today.

So you’re just gonna let in Clarence Thomas, Stacy Dash, Paris Dennard, Allan West, Herman Cain, Jason Whitlock, Katrina Pierson, Mark Burns, men over 21 who still sag their pants and the over-21 women who love them and let said men refer to them as females, O.J., Creflo Dollar, Tiger, Tyga, David Clarke, Tyrese,

His mom is an islander but his daddy is black.

Also banned from Wakanda

Nitpick: Vegetarians are not banned from Wakanda, as an entire tribe of vegetarians already live there in the Jabari lands. Vegans are another story.


Does Monique get along with ANYONE though? I mean... Can we just have a good time at the cookout without the Aunties arguing?

that would be a no. We are black people and dancing is just in us. We dont need mask wearing asian kids to entertain us.....

Rachel Dolezal has already scratched up the inside of her thin ass lip with blue magic marker. We’re gonna need tighter security.