
From there, the power cable (which disconnects to ease installation) runs through some kind of resistor to compensate for a range of voltage in different vehicles

Unless you drive a Miata or any low car. Then EVERYONE’S headlights are pointed into your face. Ughh, I try to not drive at night anymore, it is terrible.

the problem with those is that so many aftermarket LED tail lamp replacements are cheap pieces of shit which don’t align anything properly with the reflector. So your tail/brake lights end up being this useless dot.

Yes, you should, if you’re so much of a dick that you consider yourself more important than everyone else on the road and you’re willing to risk their lives by blinding them for the sake of your own visibility. People who do this shit to ON ROAD lights will have their vehicles crushed when I am in power. Off road

Don’t forget to make sure your headlights are aimed correctly.

Wait. You mean I SHOULDN”T be financing my new car over 96 months? But I’ll have it paid off in just 8 years!

It is exactly because of articles like this that I pay cold hard $$ for any car I buy. Is it new with all the fancy bells and whistles? No. Will it get repossessed at some point in my ownership? F No! As a society, we seriously need to reevaluate our needs and desires and put them into some kind of decent perspective.

Filling up a rock chip with matching paint that I bought online.

how do you balance out clear vision with beer? Can both exist in the same project?

The article said “hot rod” not “ricemobile”

Find a new husband or recruit his buddies to make fun of him until he lets you

A few months of grunting, some lead acid batteries, a VW transmission/front suspension, an electric motor and controller- and then a T bucket roadster miraculously appeared.

I want to build one-How do you get your husband to let you build one............

I can relate to your argument, but you are wrong. You’re wrong because idiots will always exist.

This just happened here in the Detroit area last week. A 70 somthing year old man, towing a trailer, suddenly changed lanes and side swipped a motor cop. Drug the body for approx. two miles before he pulled off to check the trailer because something didn’t feel right. The cop died the next day from his injuries.

I love arguments that entail “if everyone just did X correctly” as if we lived in that sort of world. You might hate idiot-proofing, but a lot more than just the idiots themselves would die if it wasn’t there.

It’s keeping its distance from her, playing it safe.

So.... will BMW try to one-up it with the next M3 by putting it on a 300lb diet, or making it heavier and giving it 800hp?

At least in my state, you will get cited if you are seen doing “anything” with your phone while driving. It seems a lot of people don’t really understand “distracted driving”. A lot of people think it means not holding your phone to your ear. Lighting a cigarette, eating a hamburger, putting on your make-up, shaving,

I don’t always look for treasure, but when I do, I expect it to be lying on the ground.