kidelo: don't hate, exfoliate

It also means that the GOVERNMENT cannot police or outlaw speech and even that is not absolute. That’s why the dunderheads are all in on 45s lawsuit against Twitter and Facebook, which has no relation to the 1A at all.

A huge gap between the two. 

You have made me smile twice in 15 minutes.  Thank you!

Thank you!!!

I reaaallly like TiGs!

Yeah. One reason I know the hard R doesn’t really fucking matter all that much? I’m from Boston. Here we drop ALL our Rs. A racist (and hoo boy do we have them here) can easily hide behind that “I didn’t use a hard R” bullshit here when that’s just the way the shitbag would pronounce the word either way.

Or white. For some reason calling a white person “white” is now the most offensive thing you could say to racist white folks. 

I also firmly believe that if a white person drops the N word, hard R or not, The Purge horn should sound and all bets are off for 10 minutes

I’ve never heard of a generalized one. Their are tons of one for one group to another (some like cracker that were adopted by people as a source of pride (I want to say in Georgia and Florida but could have my states wrong).

I am keeping that second one, never heard it before.

“And here come the greys with 1st amendment…”

Other than George Jefferson and Fred Sanford, I have never heard a person in my life use the term honky.

If someone called me “honky”, I think I’d be too busy laughing to feel even slightly offended. 

The closest is probably ‘honky’, but I don’t think I’ve actually heard anyone use it since the ‘70s, and it doesn’t hold the same context.

If you know a word is offensive, and the people generally described by that word ask you not to use it, then don’t use it.

A black teacher could have discussed the use of the word, but a white teacher just does not have the context.

You can assign the reading, but making the kids say the word is just wrong.

Don’t read

No. The problem was that when the black student voiced his discomfort with both the selection and listening to his white classmates all say the n-word over and over again the teacher stood her ground.

It isn’t a legal permit, but under fighting words doctrine, you can mount a good defense in your assault case for beating the shit out of someone that calls you a racial slur.

The way to deeply offend a racist white person is to call them racist.

The problem is there is no correlative word for white people that contains the history or scorn and hatred for Blacks that the n word does. We can make stuff up, but there’s no word going back to 1619 that insults white people like that.

And this thick skulled canned ham with ears does what for a living?