
Where are they going to get the water from then? Nuke plants are built on coastlines and rivers because they need a large amount of water for cooling. I agree with the necessity of building more though. The California power grid can barely deal with their power needs now, added EV’s will exacerbate the problem.

Watch it be Klobuchar or Buttgieg. Also, the debates are going to be a massacre. A hilarious and cringeworthy massacre.

This. I wear a 3m 7500 series respirator with P100 filters. The exhaust is directed straight down. From the highly unscientific measurement of seeing how much a piece of paper moves when I exhale, the respirator wins. The 90 degree angle the air must move when exhaled kills the velocity. 

2040? Pfft, this ban won’t happen. This is far enough off that any current politician supporting it now will be long dead and buried. They are effectively shoving this off to the next generation. It makes them look good now without having to deal with any of the potential headaches of trying to actually implement

Meh, the unsuppressed HTI with the vehicle damage tree filled up will do the same thing.

Can be loaded in a lot of states.

Safe storage laws like that are unconstitutional in the US. Per DC vs Heller Supreme Court decision- “Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence

That’s not a infidel tattoo. Its the letter “N”. Used as an identifier for a Nazerene aka Christian.

Own one along with a 20rd drum. May look cool, definitely not cool to have to lug that sucker around.

Schumer isn’t going to filibuster Gorsuch unless he is a complete and total dumbass. You don’t filibuster a nominee who previously had received unanimous approval and who’s seating won’t change the balance of the court. He will bluster, delay, and piss and moan, but ultimately Gorsuch will get a confirmation vote

Depends on locality. If this happened in my area, the responding cops would have observed his behavior. If he wasn’t doing anything alarming they would have left it as that. Most cities around here have issued orders to their Police departments to leave open carriers alone unless they are acting erratic or