
Virtue signalling isn’t limited to “SJWs”. Conservatives’ talking points rarely consist of anything but virtue signalling. Trump is probably the best example.

Eeeeeeeeh, 2 sides of the same coin.

We nonetheless would argue that Ms. Huckabee, and Ms. Nielsen and Mr. Miller, too, should be allowed to eat dinner in peace.

you’re a moron that actually believes theres nazis in America

Or when that “other side” flat out believes you shouldn’t exist?

Jason’s right too though, anarcho-capitalists aren’t anarchists

Imagine thinking that anarchocapitalists are leftists

US political terminology is a mess, but just FYI, libertarianism in its broad sense (the one most common outside the US) includes (leftist) anarchism.

He’s an anarcho-capitalist. A libertarian.

It has become abundantly clear of late that people do not understand that “discovery” is also a legal term, and that it can have dire consequences even in civil suits.

What, no battle royale mode?

Being black isn’t a shield that allows you to be a homophobic shitstain who’s only accepted because she fits the partisan hack mold MSNBC wants. Again, Greenwald of all people, put it best, this story is a non-issue if you don’t hire a fake security guy to make fake claims and then lie about the whole thing. This is

Perhaps you have a different definition of “completely infeasible” than I do.

Real journalists aren’t allowed on TV.

Is Joy Reid considered a journalist? I’ve always viewed her as more of an analyst/mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.

Been trying to tell people she’s foul as hell but no one wanted to listen...

I love this whole drama so much. Like, why would you lie when the people who run this thing 1) can easily prove you wrong and 2) have a vested interest in maintaining public confidence in their service? There’s no good answer to those questions*, but it’s still funny as hell.

*Okay, there’s one good answer: being a

But can I still talk about how Clinton tried to label my peer group super predators and folks tried to gloss over it? Or do I have to pretend that didn’t happen?

That’s why the entire industry needs a mass union movement, so that capitalists can’t divide and conquer.