
You check out a book read it to completion, and return it (full utility of consumption). That’s almost no different than playing a game to completion (full utility of consumption), and then not playing it anymore. I can long on and download a temporary ebook to my kindle from my local library, right now - which is

If you copied my car, and produced your own copy from it - it wouldn’t be stealing my car. It’s all about an incentive to produce a good, creating a market, when physically none should exist.

It’s a flaw of a market sized all fits approach to economic systems that’s going to persist until our economic system catches

So libraries are dens of thievery?

This. Every time I hear people cry about the moral degeneracy of “Piracy”, I imagine librarians sitting around like mafia kingpins.

If denying revenue is stealing, it is only stealing if you would have otherwise paid for it.

No, because copying games is not piracy. Hijacking goods by force during transport is. It’s a lame, bombastic comparison.

I download games I have not yet paid for all the time, and if they are good, I go buy a copy. If not, I don’t. A good example is Civ 5, when it first came out, it was shit. I downloaded it after…

There are different definitions of things based on the field it falls under. The sociological def is different than the medical def.

If we were talking about heart attack symptoms, medical gender would be more apt, but we're talking about social psychology.

YOU think it doesn't make for good games. YOU don't need to play that. It's YOUR hobby. That's the problem with you mantoddler fucks, you don't get not every fucking thing is about YOU. But like the petulant little pissant children you are you throw a giant temper tantrum to make it all about YOU. Other people can't

Yeah, I was kind of surprised this needed to be asked. . .

I was, actually, but that's not how those happened.
I'm old now, I just argue with people online.

Yeah, I don't think testes are "special" outside that they are sex organs. I'm pretty sure a woman getting punched straight in the ovaries would probably be similar, there's just more "cushion". The labia probably has a similar kind of nerve system as testes.

I left out the half inch chunk of jaw bone I lost too :)

I don't skateboard anymore.

I was hit so hard that one testicle became swollen and I couldn't walk for a week.

I wouldn't. The cops around here remind me more of the mafia :/
They stole everything I own in an off the books raid once (given, I was being an asshole to my neighbors with loud parties, I was like 18).
I know a few ex dealers with rap sheets who moved on and get shaken down and threatened with plants.
A drunk driver

Why are they even arresting someone for selling a lose cigarette? Just write the guy a ticket. It's a minor quality of life/retail tax crime. Police officers have latitude for discretion. By all accounts, the guy was a helpful member of society and helped keep the peace - he had just broken up a fight.

Police need to

I rode in convoys in IQ less geared out than these guys. I'm from those same neighborhoods in Detroit, and I get what it's like - but you already have a massively corrupt police force (you realize that, right?) who the public doesn't trust. This kind of presence is only going to make things worse. In war the first

For real. I was a contractor in IQ and I watched soldiers run convoys less geared up than these cops. Under trained civilians on a power trip playing soldier. Disgusting.

Wait, Bundy stealing over a million dollars worth of grazing for over a decade doesn't count as property crime?

""If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won't even admit the knife is there."" -Malcom X

Was the Boston Tea Party "violent"? It seems really strange to me to make attacking a person and a non-person equal. While rioting is generally a pointless act of aggression which only harms the community further - it seems really odd to me to consider it "violent" unless people are being attacked.