If it were open to the public for free who would be paying the maintenance fees? Who would be insuring it? Who would provide security?
If it were open to the public for free who would be paying the maintenance fees? Who would be insuring it? Who would provide security?
Of course anyone can buy a race quad but it isn't easy to fly one.
Glacial profiling.
Only if the car fits into one of my four categories from the prior column. Military doesn't get a bye because they're military; the car still has to come over legally.
You can only do that for a year, unfortunately.
what's blowing my mind here is the fact the lawyers are taking $750k and it doesnt alarm anyone....
BMI means nothing really. It's an outdated measurement. It doesn't take into account body composition which is what actually matters. I could have lots of muscle or big tits and this would be thrown completely off. What's more, it doesn't tell you if the fat you have is subcutaneous (which is mostly harmless until you…
You should've checked your email a week ago.
For what it's worth: I'm gay and I approve this message. It made me laugh.
MPGs? Really?
I'd like to see that litigated. Consumers are asked to sign all kinds of non enforceable things these days.
Obama has done a great job doing just that hell i might move to Mexico at the rate he is going.
Why not give these money back to the American taxpayer who payed for it in the first place, instead of the "Latino Neighbors"?
Imagine if, instead of endlessly throwing money at our southern border, we went after the companies that hire people who can't legally work in the U.S.?
The put the Start/Stop on the top of that panel now. The author must have been to busy to include a image that would make everything more clear.
I used to be a raid boss like you, until I took a disconnected LAN cable to the knee.
Why didn't they remove their logo from the truck before they let it go?
Joe has personal freedom to shit wherever he wants... because 'murica™.
The fox? What about the goat see?