Big Australian Balls
Big Australian Balls
That’s great, but inspections don’t seem effective at keeping any of those things off the road. People just find a “guy”, just drive with an expired sticker, or use someone else’s sticker.
So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.
From their website: “Cost of the basic model 4DOF Extreme with 3D TV screen is equal to middle class car.”
Reading> you. He said “Obama ADMINISTRATION”. This implies the entire government - or at least those who report to him and those that he appointed.
I was born in south Alabama. I lived in that state most of my life. So I am not just being a hater when I say this part of the episode reeked of staged stunt. For one south Alabama isn’t rocky, it’s sandy. For another, I know how south Alabamians really are. They don’t throw rocks. They throw bullets. I should know, I…
You simply dont understand
And the BBC has removed the video... Keep it up BBC...
This is not a drone. This is an RC quadcopter, it is not capable of completely autonomous flight which is the defining characteristic of a drone. The words drone and quadcopter are not interchangeable, they mean completely different things.
Bias lighting can help reduce the eye strain caused by long exposures to TV screens and monitors in dark rooms, but…
Glacial profiling.
Only if the car fits into one of my four categories from the prior column. Military doesn't get a bye because they're military; the car still has to come over legally.
You can only do that for a year, unfortunately.
what's blowing my mind here is the fact the lawyers are taking $750k and it doesnt alarm anyone....
You should've checked your email a week ago.
MPGs? Really?