its BOTH drug stuff AND sex stuff obviously
its BOTH drug stuff AND sex stuff obviously
the state should monitor all children with biometric ankle bracelets and then send swat teams and/or ambulances if things go south. society must be defended.
Whatever shit the world throws at the Donald - he comes out clean - this principle remains true even when he fucks his own shit up himself. Any adversary or attack is turned into a commoditized byte of attention that belongs to him. In this way he is the candidate with the most structural resemblance to Capitalism, as…
dude if she had been armed this all would have gone differently.
As a man who as a younger man used to be active in ultra liberal political movements in the US, I can confirm the antipode of Ms. Steinem’s assertion - as can any young Republican I would imagine.
Wow... the house is ... ugly. all 23,000 of it. It looks like it was left unfinished so you could add another floor later. Its like 2/3rds parking lot. its like the bastard child of brutalist library hyatt from the 80's. its hideous. i guess it looks better than anything you can build in minecraft though...
As a man and person who appreciates tiqqun, i reluctantly say - I do feel somewhat castrated by this piece and recognize its problematic implications for my own intellectual process. HOWEVER I STILL THINK this an an amazing review of an amazing takedown of tiqqun's most accessible work. Way to be highbrow, ladies.