
I’m calling BS and that she is just a reality star hopefully. Young kids are learning from TV and social media that acting a fool or being an idiot can make you rich and famous. Remember that Catch me outside or whatever girl who now has a successful recording career. The current entertainment landscape rewards bad

I agree. The one thing I want to point out, however, is that these guys aren’t just gossiping, they’re gossiping like a group of 8 grade, mean girls.

It’s greed and selfishness. It’s sad considering there are people on the religious right who would gladly make homosexuality illegal again. People like Levin think that their money would shield them. What they fail to realized is that if homosexuality was made illegal, they are the ones who would be made examples of.

I don’t think it’s that they don’t respect black women. I think it’s has more to do with what they expect from a girlfriend vs. a wife. The women can be their own person while dating, but after marriage, it’s time to take a back seat and sit down

My grandmother used to let me drink her homemade wine. Of course, being a god fearing christian, she only drank her wine from tea cups.

I grow up in the country also, on a farm in fact. Names like that are common as nick names, but few people would actually put it on a birth certificate.

Best thing I’ve read all week!

I’m not going to commend on what’s his name. My comment is for the Root commenters. One of the main reasons we have Trump as president is because the media willing gave him free press by reporting on everything that he said or did. It was simply good for ratings. I think the some is happening with publications

Thank you. I’m so tired of hearing the “his mother died” excuse. Everyone’s mother die at some point.

I think part of the issue is that even some people who like to throw the term around don’t really get it. It’s just those little things that you don’t have to think about. You are right, it’s hard to think outside of yourself. Years ago, when a buddy of mine drove across country with me to visit my family, on the way

Pretty much everyone becomes the white people of black people as soon as it involves an issue they don’t care strongly about. My local utility has had a program in last for some years that allows customers to round up their monthly bills. If your total utility bill was $145.33 it would round to $146 and the extra .67

This is simply ranting for the sake of ranting. Seriously, who cares.

I tend to not like biopics or movies based on real events because too people view them as history. Back when 12 Years a Slave was out, there was this huge debate on a local radio show over whether or not the movie should be shown in schools. This went on every day for a couple of weeks and it didn’t seem to occur to

Well said!

Like a most TV shows it was wearing near the end, but those early episodes are pure gold. Since I was in my early twenties at the time. College graduated and broke. This show really connected

I really don’t care one way or the other, but ideally, the spy game would be somewhat segregated assuming a good spy would have the ability to blend in with the locals. Therefore, you probably wouldn’t send a tall, black guy to some small city in China or a short white guy to some town in Ghana. They would stand

It it was just cash assets, it would be easy to just split everything 4 ways and call it a day. However, her estate will probably generate revenue for many years depending on music loyalties, publishing, and just her image being sold on stuff, etc. Decisions have to be made on what offers to accept or not accept.

It it was just cash assets, it would be easy to just split everything 4 ways and call it a day. However, her estate will probably generate revenue for many years depending on music loyalties, publishing, and just her image being sold on stuff,  etc. Decisions have to be made on what offers to accept or not accept.

This is an easy  answer. City A has 200 murders over 360 days. City B has 25 murders over a 7 day period. Which makes the best news story?

But Mexican isn’t a race. Aren’t many Mexican’s white as in descendants from the Spanish while other are from various native groups?