LOL, but you are right.
LOL, but you are right.
No, he’s not a shell of a man he once was; this is who he always was. Some of yall were just to busy bopping your heads to notice.
There was also a fat suit. They used makeup to make the stand-in look more like the actor he was standing in for.
That’s just a lays person summary. A DNA test is not going say a person is 18% African, it’s going to narrow it down to a specific region or countries.
Exactly! How long before someone puts up a whites only sign and then claim that their faith dictates no race mixing
I didn’t know lace-front bears were a thing. I have to admit, it has me thinking. As someone who sports the real thing, there are days I think about shaving it, but then I think about all the effort I’ve put into growing it - all of the inching, scratching and burning. I fear that if I was to shave, I might want it…
I forgot to add, even with Michael or Prince doing prescription drugs, the reaction was different then to Whitney doing crack.
While I agree on the broader issue of how blacks on drugs are perceived vs whites, I disagree on the celebrity angle. A lot of it has to do with the choice of drug. People didn’t make fun of Natalie Cole’s drugs problems back in the day. I think if Whitney had been doing cocaine or heroin, the response would have been…
I thought that was going to be Speed Buggy
I will watch a documentary in a heartbeat, but I hate bio-pics. Directors take too much creative license and end up adding a lot of stuff that didn’t really happen or change a lot of stuff around. No matter how interesting the person’s life was, they always feel the need to change things.
Yes, there are plenty of people in the world who have actually never seen a black person face to face. Seeing people on TV and the movies are not the same. How many people really pay attention the the hands.
She is ridiculously gorgeous
Yes, but the value of the company doesn’t necessarily equal the individual’s net worth because even if the company sold for 800 million, the entire amount would not go to what’s her name.
Forbes wealth estimates are basically BS and a lot it is based on info provided by the individuals themselves. It’s not as if Forbes has access to their banking and tax records. Also, the worth of a company is not necessarily exactly equal to the wealth of the owner. For example, when Beats sold for 3 billion,…
The lack of DNA in rape cases doesn’t always mean innocent if a condom was used. However, I’m not familiar with this case. Were any of the other guys convicted? Even if I wasn’t there, if I discovered that my so called a couple of my so called “dudes” raped a 15yo, they are going down.
This is a cop out. By resigning instead of being fired, the incident will likely not show on the officer’s record meaning he’s will just go get a job on another police force.
I guess I’m getting really old because I remember when Alfre and Danzel Washington played romantic interests on St. Elsewhere back in the day so I have no issue with her in a sexual role.
That’s not completely true. There are specific laws for calling 911 in non-emergency situations in many cities, especially in those in which resources are tight. Having the police called out for stuff like this means longer response times for real crimes. It’s not that the person can’t be fined or charged, the police…
When are the police going to get serious about charging or at least fining people for making BS calls. This should be about a $500 fine when all the neighbor had to do is go next door, knock and say your lawn guy is over on my side of the property line.
Let’s not forget the immortal Diana Washington with songs like Long John Blues “ I got a a Dentist that’s over 7 ft tall; Long John they call him” or the classic, Big Long Slidin’ Thing.