Detinue The Tort

Sir Ian is a down to earth man who was leading Manchester Pride on the weekend. He goes to local schools to talk about LGBT empowerment and to champion the arts and to inspire working class kids into the arts. He asked to be on Coronation Street because he loves the soap so much and was apparently an absolute gem to

I guess you could call him a maverick, I didn’t. Kanye West is being the character/celeb/person that he has actually always been and admittedly so. That’s what I’m saying. That it was no surprise.

Thanks for the history lesson! I am black person who is very aware both of history and of current day word usage and definitions. Thanks for playing.

But, like everything, she took it too far. There is like no balance in her life. She is a walking, talking superlative. She’s like the Jimmy Fallon of pop stars.

ADULT MOGUL Taylor Swift, should have known like everyone else on the planet that ADULT MOGUL Kanye West who has a clear history of never keeping to script on live shows would have...not kept to script on a live show. Yes. This seems reasonable.

Uh no, I’ve seen plenty of hate on Kanye not just on jeze believe but almost everywhere else.

I am a huge Kanye stan. I think he’s an incredible producer and a pretty smart guy. I also appreciate that he takes risks. He’s not afraid to try something new, even if it fails. He’s also a pretty decent guy outside of the public eye, from what I've heard. Yet people are so ridiculously critical of him and talk about

Apparently that vine of him pretending to go to sleep is from when she won best female video.

If Kanye’s job now is to just troll the shit out of Taylor Swift at every available opportunity then I am completely on-board.

Yeah because black people could only be servants in this video. This comment is so preditable.

Classism is what I see when people point out her lack of education, and classism plus a soupcon of racism when they imply that she can’t speak. Maybe she doesn’t speak perfect Standard English. So what?

This is unkind. I agree that she knows her strengths, but there many educated people who do not excel at public speaking, and it would be difficult for anyone to be as good at giving an interview as she is at performing, so her statements may simply suffer by comparison.

Ignore the haters

I knew I didn’t like that fucking dude.

She was famous for being a writer/editor before she was famous for anything else.

She has an MA in journalism from NYU and was an editor at People for many years. I tend to be a li’l snobby about these things too but I’d say she definitely qualifies!

and yet here you are

I got married there!

First, fuck the Today Show. I hope someone has video of the rest of Janelle Monae’s statement, and I hope more media join in holding them accountable for white supremacy. Janelle Monae is seriously the nicest person, and still they’re terrified of letting her speak.