She won’t get any of my empathy. She is belittling black women. She thinks that all it takes to be a black woman is to tan your skin, wear shitty wigs, and take black dick. She is scum.
She won’t get any of my empathy. She is belittling black women. She thinks that all it takes to be a black woman is to tan your skin, wear shitty wigs, and take black dick. She is scum.
Jennifer Lawrence’s character in Silver Linings Playbook was supposed to be a 40 something woman, that got rewritten and the rest is history.
Over on Gawker a lot of shitty shitty people are all like “but if you can have trans-gendered people how is this not the same thing?” And I hope to fucking god this comment section doesn’t go down that shitty, shitty, path. not the same thing people.
1. Either a nanny is raising the child and Molly has only seen her child six times (and it cried to be given back to the nanny), or,
Feeding bears isn’t cute; it’s stupid and dangerous. When bears get complacent around humans, and/or come to view humans as a food source, humans (and bears) often end up dead. Plus, this bear is behind barbed wire, sitting up and performing for food. That’s incredibly sad, and doesn’t make me feel like squee’ing.
Lol, you can’t clean up haterade just by saying “not a hater.” Your comment is definitive hater, just own it!
Ya this is what I don’t get. Who exactly are they promoting the dress to? The E! audience?
Yeah, but this is Hawaii. Not Montana. So, regardless of the actual numbers of Asian Americans in the US and how they relate to Hollywood representation, THIS STATE is very Asian. If this story took place in, say, Montana, there would be no discussion. But alas! Not the case.
Those questions drive me crazy. It’s like, “Explain to me how people of color are different from white people. And by the way, you can’t get mad I’m asking a stupid question because that’s being hostile.”
You might want to hold off on that generalization. I’m half-white, half-asian and my daughter is a quarter asian, three-quarters white. She looks more asian than I do. I know other women and men in my life that are also three quarters and look more asian than emma stone does. Take a look at Keanau Reeves. He’s a…
The chances of this NOT being a PR set up is pretty much nil.
“This happened when they were making The Hobbit. They needed to cast background actors, specifically background hobbits.
Yes they can. But being gifted the position of vice chairman and previously as a “journalist” because of who one’s parents are is exactly what nepotism is. And she’s passing it on by hiring friends.